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mars pov:

a few hours later the whole group decide to go to a club close to the camping ground once the teachers are asleep. we are all waiting around at the campfire for tierras call that they are asleep.

i've done my makeup and curled my hair because of course i want to look hot, it's the club? and it will help with my plan. tom isn't getting away with this, he knows what im like im sure he knows im up to something but i'll let him guess for a bit longer. im also wearing the hottest dress i could find and im in love with it.

like this:

tierra comes running up to us with a disappointing look and we all look at her anxiously waiting for her response "sorry guys

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tierra comes running up to us with a disappointing look and we all look at her anxiously waiting for her response "sorry guys..." we all groan and whine. well there goes my plan ugh. "just kidding! their asleep let's go!" she speaks in an excited tone. never mind then, this night will be fun.

we all arrive at the club and not long later we are all drinking and dancing until i spot alex, toms best friend alone at a booth. well here goes nothing. i walk up to him "hey alex, why are you alone?" i ask pretending to sound intrigued.

he shrugs in response so i sit next to him and edge closer. "well we can't have that can we? i'll stay here with you alex. you know your pretty hot right? i've never noticed before" he smirks and looks up at me with lust in his eyes "well damn thanks mars, you're hot too. i mean that dress jeez...you make me want to rip it off you" he says cockily. well this is working like a dream thank god. i climb onto his lap and start to make out with him. gross his lips taste like beer.

after a few moments he starts to leave hickeys on my neck and i moan, i mean he's not hot but at least his mouth does what it should. as i start getting into it and close my eyes, he suddenly stops and i hear people yelling. i open my eyes to see tom punching the shit out of alex, his own best friend. what the fuck?

"tom stop!" i scream and he continues punching his face, hard. my screams attract everyone in the club and bill and georg rush over trying to pull tom off him. they eventually get tom off him and drag him away as tom shouts "don't touch her! she's mine!"

i rush over to alex and help him sit up checking his cuts until i snap back into reality. "she's mine" what does that mean...?

i decide to head outside for a quick smoke, needing to get my mind off everything. as i sit on some steps outside and light my cig i look up and notice toms angry face covered in blood. "what do you think you're doing mars?!" he shouts at me. "smoking? what does it look like genius?" i scoff and i'm met with his shouting again "not that, you know what i'm talking about! getting your tongue down alex's throat are you fucking crazy?!"

i throw my cig on the floor and stomp on it before standing up and getting in his face. "i'll do whatever i want! just like you do...making out with zoey? in front of me and pushing me away after we literally spent the night together? you don't fucking own me tom! and you can't say anything to me, you're literally a famous guitarist who is probably more known for being a fuck boy! do you think that's cute? it's not. it's gross."

he pushes me back slightly "you're just a fucking little slut mars, i don't know why i thought you was different. go on fuck alex i really don't care! don't speak to me from now on, don't even look at me." he shoves past me and walks back into the club and i shout after him "cunt!" yeah that's all. i mean what am i meant to say to that?

i go back into the club and only two hours later i'm passed out drunk in one of the booths.

toms pov:

after my outburst i spent my time making out with some random whores at the club, i don't care about them i only need them to give me pleasure then i ghost them. it's simple. there's only one girl i do care about. mars. but she's really pissed me off and i don't regret what i did, i need some time away from that psycho bitch. but still i search around for her hoping she's not fucking some guy in the bathroom. wait...where is she? fuck sakes mars.

i push the brunette girl off me and she whines "tommy where are you going?" she asks. i scoff and get up "none of your business, go find someone else to fuck tilly" i sat as i walk off to find mars, i hear her call after me "it's lilly!"

god she's annoying, why do girls think i give a fuck what their name is? i just need an easy fuck. and that bitch tasted like salmon, how can you not use gum before you kiss someone?

eventually i find mars passed out drunk on some random booth and i sich deeply "fucking hell mars" i whisper to myself before picking her up and throwing her light body over my shoulder. i go find our little group and exclaim to them that i need to take mars back now. instantly they bombard me with questions. "what happened to her?" "is she okay?" "do you need me to come?" "oh god she's drunk as hell". i cut them off, becoming frustrated with them "can you all shut up?! she's fine i'm taking her back i don't care what you guys say". they clearly don't trust me with mars. i'm not going to fuck her or hurt her when she's passed out drunk, how low do they think of me?

i carry her back to the campsite and place her on the mattress as she starts to wake up "shh it's fine. you need to take your dress off, can you do that?" i ask slightly worried. god what is she doing to me? i'm never worried about anyone let alone a girl. she groans and rolls over. "i'll take that as a no then" i say with a giggle. she's so stubborn it's kinda cute. i roll her over carefully and pull her dress off slowly, admiring her body as i do it. i know i've seen her naked but gosh she's so beautiful. perfect sized ass that's easy to grab, perfect sized tits that's easy to cup with my hands and suck on, perfect curves that aren't too much or too little. everything is perfect.

i put some pjs on her and pull a blanket over her before kissing her forehead and whispering "goodnight mars, i'm sorry." thank god she wont remember this in the morning or else i'd be fucked. i'm never this caring to anyone let alone mars, i hate her. right?

you're mine. | tom kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now