Chapter : 20

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In the aftermath of the harrowing ordeal, as the distant wails of approaching sirens grew closer, Senaan found himself ensnared in the unforgiving embrace of justice, his fate irrevocably entwined with the tragic events that had unfolded in the wake of his unyielding pursuit. 

With the weight of his transgressions bearing down upon him, Senaan stood at the precipice of his own undoing, the realization of his folly a bitter pill that he was forced to swallow amidst the chaos that had become his reality.

As the city of London grappled with the reverberations of a love that had morphed into a tragedy of epic proportions, the collective consciousness of its denizens bore witness to the tumultuous events that had unfolded. 

The tale of Noah and Senaan became a cautionary reminder of the precarious nature of love, a poignant testament to the irrevocable consequences that could be unleashed by a heart consumed by its own desires. 

Their story lingered in the collective memory of those who had borne witness, leaving an indelible mark upon the tapestry of human experience that would endure for generations to come.

A/N: guys I am loving my own story Hhh... What are your thoughts?

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