Chapter : 19

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A/N: So guys Ready for twists and fasten your seat belts (Action Time)


Consumed by a maelstrom of emotions that bordered on desperation, Senaan devised a reckless plan that would ultimately seal their fate in a manner he could never have foreseen. 

Under the cloak of darkness, amidst the stillness of the night, Senaan orchestrated a brazen kidnapping, snatching Noah from the clutches of Flynn in a daring display of audacity that left the echoes of chaos in his wake. 

With every passing moment, Senaan teetered on the brink of irreparable ruin, his actions spiraling further into the abyss of his own making.

In the murky shadows of an abandoned warehouse, the tension between Senaan and Flynn reached a crescendo, each moment teetering on the edge of an irreversible rupture that threatened to shatter the fragile remnants of their shared past. 

In the ensuing chaos, Senaan's desperation evolved into a frenzied display of violence, culminating in a fatal confrontation that left the echoes of gunfire resonating through the stillness of the night. 

As the acrid scent of gunpowder hung heavy in the air, the world seemed to slow to a haunting standstill, the silence broken only by the hushed whispers of fate that had come to claim its toll.

A/N: Any room for improvement? Comment box is all yours...

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