8. the event

15 1 0

Everly Anderson

I saw the deep dark circle around my eyes. I didn't bat an eye for the last two days.
I expected this to be hectic but this one took a toll on me.

I need a good make up to cover all this up.
My ear-pods beep. I touched it to receive the call.

"Eve, this is killing me. How did you handle all of this in two days? They can't find the vases for the flowers. everything else is done just us you instructed. Please come here already it's getting so hard to handle all of this" Henley cried.

"I just left there an hour ago, and you still can't handle the instructions I gave." I sighed
"I will be there soon. The Vases are in the store room of the company. Let them take it to the event sight carefully. It's Breakable."

I hanged up and rushed through my make up. It was 5:30am in the morning when got there.

I checked everything on the list and looked around everything. Its set. I made the waiters and everyone else practice three times already.

The podium for the new product was made the models and the celebrities on the invited list have their own place the tables were set according to status.

I sighed, relieved . I gave in the best I could. I decided to close three branches of my restaurant so the staff comes to help at the event. With series of training they were up and doing.

By 8:30 the guest started arriving. They gasped when they entered the huge hall that is now elegantly decorated.

I could hear people talking about how well planned the entire event is and are very curious about who did the planning. I proved myself once again.

Of course I planned it. They should expect the best. There are many things am good at.

Or many things I was forced to be good at.

Mr and Mrs Williams arrived and I walked up to greet them. There were people who were already greeting the guest but I wanted to see them myself.

Miss Elena hugged me.

"When Hardin said you were taking up the event planning , I didn't expect it to be this much professional. My God! This place is gorgeous. How many things are you good at again girl?" She giggled.

"Great work Eve. I wish I had an elder daughter like you to be proud of." Mr Alex patted my shoulder and smiled.

"Thank you Miss Elena. And you too Mr Alex" I smiled.

"You look so good in faded pink. I can never catch up with you in fashion." Miss Elena complimented again. I smiled

"I guess you always notice me. Thank you. Let me take you to your table."I led the way.

There were so many securities around now. That's because the Williams family just arrived.

I was chatting with Miss Elena who asked me to sit with her for a while, we were just going on about how it was exhausting to plan this whole event.she laughed at me and teased me the entire time.She was in a cheerful mood, and it made me happy. Don't know how, but her mood was always transmissible, infectious mostly.

Hardin entered. He look so good in his black suit. Every eyes was fixed on him. His hair was neatly wax behind and part of it was perfectly gliding on his fore-head. He looked like a model..he carries this aura that makes him stand out attractively.

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