5. P A

20 1 0

Hardin Alexander

My day couldn't be more fun having to see her nerves rise and how she bats her lashes just to calm down.

Yesterday, she was the least I expected at that dining table because of the way my parent especially my mom and little sister talks about her every time.

"Shes very sweet and calm and well behaved and kind and polite". they would say. I think the sweet, kind and polite side is just a camouflage to get what she wants from them.

I actually thought my mom would've adopted her if she got the chance. They held her in so much esteem, I was so amused and curious, I wanted to meet her badly.

As far as I know, she is way too cunning. And I would not het her have what she wants. She is going to have to prove worthy of it. This game just got interesting, way too interesting to just win her over just to sleep with her to prove a point. Today she's start working with me.

One thing that stunned me is how much love and care I see in her eyes when she looks at my family. As if they were hers. I could see how she looks at my sister and laughs when my mom says something funny.

Her eyes shows exactly how she felt. Not like the first time I'd met her. They were blank, not cheerful, not calm, not pain, nothing. No emotions.

Whatever she was up to, made me more curious about her, I wanted to know. Make sure I can stop her. If I must. Very beautiful Women shouldn't be trusted. They mostly get what they want mostly...mostly.

I walk into the board room where all the executives were gathered.

She wasn't in, by this time.

Everyone stood up while I entered with Mart and Althea.

"Good morning" they greeted and I sat.

"Good morning."Jenny greeted. "Darling the suit looks so good on you I could take em off in your office if you want." she whispered.

For the first time those words didn't tickle anything inside me. Jennifer's father happens to be the biggest investor. And has the highest shares apart from my family in our hotels and restaurants.

She's really hot, attractive and quite good in bed so we happen to be fuck mates, some few months after I was back from the states. I know it's been two years I came down here and she wanted me but she was really annoying me just now. I'm gonna have to ignore her.

"Hey son, is your dad alright? It's been almost three years since I've seen him and-"

"You know Mr paddleton, I appreciate how much my dad is important to you but this meeting is not about him." I cut in.

My entire board is made up of a lot of young investors and partners buh Mr Paddleton happens to be one of the oldest among the eight that's left. I went through the document Althea laid before me.

The room suddenly went dead silence and I saw saw everyone's attention pulled on something It was her, I knew it!

Because my heart leaped the very first time I saw her and she's the only one that gives me that effect I don't know how.

Without turning to look at her. "You are 37 minutes late"

"Eve Anderson?" About half of my board mentioned her name all at once. Great. She's must be a celebrity in the business world.

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