7.The apology

22 1 0

Hardin Alexander

The memory of Eve's eyes begging me to not alter a word and how the tears formed in her eyes flashed through my mind.

I shifted uncomfortably in the cushioned sofa. It's been four days and she hasn't showed up in the office neither at school. I guess she avoided me the whole time.

I dare not even call her...fuck
Its like I've got no Contact of hers. I felt bad for not putting my shits together.it surprises me how I can't forget the entire incident.

It's like a replay in my mind and now that I've caught a glimpse of her good side it makes me feel even worse.

Dad and mum walked in with hands held smiling to each other.

"Hardin, you're here, what a pleasant surprise!"my mom spoke first as they took their sit.

"Yeah Mum...errm I came to apologize for eerrmm" this is one of the hardest "for the other other time". I finally said and she nodded with a smile.

"I need your help,mum."I blurted out before I change my mind. "I need you to set Eve on a blind date with me."


I waited at the table looking around and fidgeting nervously.

Fuck!...I've never felt this way talking to a lady. I just felt for the first time that if I make a mistake am gonna have to deal with a bigger situation.

Am gonna have to deal with my mom.

I could hear clanking of heels to the tiled floor I looked up and there she was, making way to me,as always using the walk way as her runway.

She looked simple with her hair in a band and a simple long dress showing her curves.

Beauty is one dangerous thing....

Everyone looked at her but she look oblivious and focus on my table.

She stopped abruptly when she saw me. Without a word or much hesitation she turned and started to leave.

I must do something...

I caught up with her.

She slipped her hands out of mine.

"Dont touch me." her eyes it was burning with anger.

"Am sorry."I said whiles trying to catch up with her .

"I really am sorry? "

She looked at me for a while as if searching out the truth...I looked away not wanting to make eye contact with her. she tried to walk away as if still not satisfied.

"I will let you have the land to show how sorry I am."I held her hand to stop her from moving further.i could literally feel my eyes pleading with her.she looked inside them searching to find any sincerity even in the darkness.

She rolled her eyes and start to walk to our table. She sat down and motioned for me too.

" We need to talk. I know you think I approached your parent intentionally for my benefit and you think this is all about business...I am not gonna explain my self. But I like your family alot...and if your apology is about giving me the land, i think..you are the poorest business man I've ever met"

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