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Everly Anderson

I looked into my 62 inches stylishly designed fancy dressing mirror,my makeup was good, light but good,my hair, perfect!..I think I should wear a red lip today..I've been away from college for a while now just want to look dazzling as always, cant I?

I checked my self once again in the full length mirror. Well, I don't need too much effort to look good, am already great .I know the charm I have on men and I know how to work it out to get whatever I want or need ..that's me

I look simple but expensive in my Louis Vuitton black long outfit .it reached just on top of my knees with six black buttons vertically placed from the waistline of the dress to the edge.And that was align three in a column or should I say horizontally?..

I put on my white stilletos and my white Louis Vuitton bag for a match..and took another look, now noticing my long golden brown hair falling straight to my butts it's that long..I love it

I took another critical look at my Made-up face. I looked into my eyes through the mirror, I never really have to wear mascara, lashes or anything else to make my eye look lovely they are glorious. Sometimes I look into them and get lost my self. My lashes are long and styled making my eyes look hazel and unreal. For real, you could get lost in my eyes. They are one of the beauties I have. With just one look into my eyes, I could read you. they're that powerful. My greatest weapon against men, for men, they love it. Don't judge me.

If only they knew...

I stepped outside of the elevator and headed straight to my car, a new Ferrari I never bought. Same goes to my designer walk in wardrobe. I don't remember the last time I went shopping with my credit card. They were always gifts from numerous suitors, to show how much money they are ready to spend on you just to get into your panties or show you how much love they feel. It's sucks. They suck. If only...

It's not my fault men love me. But I love that they do. It's a nice feeling to be loved.

Not to love though. You get all the hurts , the pain. You even get too blinded to see anything.  -You shouldn't love.

My phone went off, I looked on the screen to see who it was.

Eve where are you? You are quite late. girls'  been waiting to see you..we missed you so much girl. Come quick.

I smiled and sped on. It's been a year I've been away. I had to get some of my restaurant and cafes running at Melbourne. It took me longer than I expected.

Within 30 minutes I got to campus. I spotted the girls at the parking lot chatting away.

"Hey girls"
They all turn towards the voice. I walked to them. They know my voice, my perfume, my Style.
They adore me! Am well aware of my personality and the kind of effect I have on people.

"Eve" they all shouted and their eyes widened

"Heeeyy Eve you back , we missed you so much. Actually I missed you very very much", Henley said hugging me and I giggled. I miss Henley the most. She wouldn't come to visit often, no matter how much I've pestered her.

"I bet you do" I teased her breaking the hug "So, how has it been on campus without me..I hope I didn't miss any fun?"

"Nope. campus' actually boring" she replied as we walk through the hall way to the cafeteria. That's actually like a normal routine for us whenever we don't have class in the morning.

Eyes were staring at us with murmurings going on among them

Yes am back..

The Queen is back

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