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Part Playlist:
Adore You - Harry Styles
I Kissed a Girl - Rain Paris


"I don't think I could wear something like that." I laughed and brushed off the leather red lingerie with chains hanging off it that Rhea pointed out.

"I think you could pull anything off." Rhea assured me, and guided us towards a general bra and underwear section. "Choose some things out that you like."

I smiled at her before browsing the sections. It was really fun shopping. I was very much enjoying it. "Is this nice?" I pulled a simple deep blue matching bra and underwear set off the wall to look and show Rhea.

"Kat." Rhea looked at my face. "My answer to that question is always going to be you could pull anything off."

"Anything?" I widened my eyes and looked around the store, eyes settling on something hanging up. "Even that?" I nodded.

Rhea looked at what I was motioning to and I saw her chuckle. It was a sexy maid outfit. "Yes, I'd love to see you in that." Rhea plucked the bra and pantie set out of my hands for her to hold. "But let's start with the basics first. I'd recommend getting sets in basic colours."

I nodded and continued choosing a few things out. I thought I had enough but Rhea made me choose another 3 things out, including socks that I think were way overpriced. But I didn't really know what was expensive and what wasn't.

But $21 for a pair of socks seemed like daylight robbery.

Rhea took the shopping bag to carry for me as we left the shop. "Next is just over there." Rhea somehow still had a free hand to guide us to...

A crafts store...

My heart warmed and I was very excited walking inside.

"Kat. Get whatever you want." The grabbed a shopping cart, and put the shopping bags in, but there was still a lot of room. "Anything. I want you to be able to create at your hearts content."

She was too good for me.

The first thing that caught my eye was the sewing machines. Rhea helped me choose a nice one, again, it was expensive but Rhea insisted I get it.

Then she basically threw all the fabrics she liked at me, insisting I get them. Then the paints and art books and pencils.

The bill for that one was very hefty, but Rhea paid without an ounce of hesitation or doubt.

I didn't even have a dollar to my name.

Rhea took me to her favourite clothing shops and I picked a few things I liked out. Some better jeans and shirts. Some dressed and a couple pairs of shoes. Then she made me buy a few sets of workout clothes so I could join her in the gym soon.

Then she bought me a new phone...

Leaving the shopping centre was a treck with all the bags. But they fit in Rheas truck and she took off the the next location she had in mind.

"Thank you... I really don't know what else to say. Or how to tell you how thankful I am." I said to her.

Rhea looked to me softly. "You deserve every bit of it. Don't worry about the cost, Kat."

"Is my girlf- are you that rich?" I smiled.

Rhea chuckled and moved past how I nearly called her my girlfriend. "I get paid well, we'll leave it at that."

I watched out the window to the city, curious to know where we're going.

She pulled into... a hospital?

SIN | Rhea Ripley | Dark, Spicy & Fluffyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن