They're constantly bickering. Every single day, every hour, and every hour.

Amina was used to it really. You become immune to it when you're stuck with the same circle for over a year. Certain things just become a part of your everyday life.

Lana and Yu Ri are both Amina's roommates and course mates as well. She was lucky to have two roommates that she shares the same major with. There's another lady, a student of International Relations that's the fourth member of their room, and she just happens to be the only quiet one amongst them. She's the nerd as well.

The three of them are studying Languages, Literature and Linguistics, a common major that's both extremely stressful and yet, one that they all believes fits them best. In all honesty though, Lana—the Lebanese, said she randomly picked the major because she wasn't sure what she wanted to do with her life exactly.

She couldn't exactly find any strengths in herself, and so, picked a major at random—intent on making it work no matter what.

Ahn Yu Ri on the other hand, the Korean amongst them on the other hand picked it up because apparently, the major sounds good when pronouncing it. When asked what she studies, she can simply and fancily say 'Languages, literature, and linguistics'. It's of help when handling her annoying extensive family members that do not understand the concept of minding one's business.

So long as she learns to speak fluent English, with that American accent as well, she's certain she'll be able to handle them well enough since they value that quite a lot.

Basically, the only one who picked the major because she actually has passion for it is, Amina.

How did she end up in university years after dropping out and convincing herself that university isn't for her?

Well, it's a long story that mostly has to do with her actually sitting down and thinking of where her life is headed to exactly. She thought long and hard about it because she didn't just drop her promotion to a higher position at work, with a good salary as a permanent worker for that just to move to another city and suffer in university for a few years before hitting the labor market again.

It goes back to when her father came to Seoul a year ago, shortly after Taheera's appearance.

A mess. That's what Amina was the first few days following Taheera's arrival in Seoul. Following their short moment of heart to heart conversation, Amina was quick to send her away before she could see her as an even bigger mess than she was at the moment.

She doubts it would've been that bad had it been she didn't find out most of the things he'd done for her without her knowing. If he knew he was going to up and leave like that, why did he do all that for her? He should've let her be the way she was.

What's the worst that would've happened if he hadn't showed up again? For her to fail at the whole independence thing, and ultimately end up dragging her sorry self home? If that was it, then she would've so much preferred that than to be in the condition she found herself in.

She shut everyone out, including Benazir whom instantly saw through her façade behind which she was trying to hide. Benazir may have been exhausted from work and was looking forward to nothing but their girls' night, but she knew there was something amiss the minute her gaze fell on Amina whom found permanent abode in the couch in the living room.

The woman tried to put on a smile and pretend she was alright, already having cried her eyeballs out a few prior however, Benazir could tell something was wrong and she didn't let Amina off the hook till she narrated exactly what was bothering her.

From Seoul With Love✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें