Chapter 647 - 648

Start from the beginning

Who doesn't know that Zhen Shuai's food is delicious? The boys wanted to go but felt embarrassed, so they all laughed.

Hou Qingfeng grabbed one by one and said, "Let's go, let's go. At worst, when your family kills the pigs, you can invite the marshal to eat them too, isn't it the end of the world?" After they left, Zhen Shuai did not go back immediately, but called Zhen Duohe

. Zhen Guo and the three of them went to the village chief, party secretary and Ma Jiaming's house and called their children to have dinner at home.

A group of children, big and small, sat around the table. Each of them had a cup in front of him like the adults. But it was filled with warmed Coke.

The adults were very happy when they saw it.

The dishes were served quickly. The dishes on both tables are basically the same. There are four pots on the table for adults, including cabbage and pork stewed with vermicelli, big bone stewed potatoes, lotus root stewed pork ribs and fish stew, all of which are large pots. There are also two dishes to go with wine, fried peanuts and fried small fish. Dried, and then some washed cabbage and spinach. If you feel tired of just eating meat, you can boil it in a pot and eat it. There were no fried peanuts or dried fish on the children's table, but everything else was there.

As the head of the family, Zhen Shuai and Shen Xingdu sat at the adults' table, while Zhen Xiang and the others entertained the little guests at the children's table.

As soon as the door was closed, the cold air was blocked outside, and then the wine was poured. The aroma of wine overflows, and the atmosphere is up before even entering the mouth.

Let's talk when we have wine, talk about things in the field, what we have seen outside, our plans for the coming year... We change glasses and have a great time.

The audience in the live broadcast room ate with the aroma of meat and wine, and could eat two bowls more than usual.

Zhen Shuai doesn't drink. He eats by himself and takes care of Shen Xingdu. He also has to pay attention to what's going on on the table at all times. If anyone has finished his wine glass, he should immediately refill it, or if the wine bottle is empty, he should quickly refill it. Open a bottle.

Everyone at the table treated him seriously as an adult, and inevitably asked him about his plans for the coming year.

"The focus in the coming year will be on the mountain. I haven't decided what to do specifically yet. Maybe raising chickens?" Zhen Shuai said, "Besides raising chickens, there seems to be nothing else you can do on the mountain." If he raises chickens, it will definitely not be on a large scale

. It will be small, and some people at the table will inevitably worry about the impact it will have on their homes.

Zhen Shuai seemed to have guessed that someone was worried, and added: "I may specialize in making salted eggs by then, and it shouldn't have much impact on other chicken raising families in the village." The village chief nodded, "If there is a good

recipe , it’s good to make salted eggs!”

“Yeah.” Zhen Shuai smiled and nodded, “If we can find a suitable market, we might even collect eggs in the village. If the elders have extra eggs at home, they can also sell them to Me. However, it's too early to say this now. Let's wait until spring. Eat vegetables, eat vegetables!"

After getting half a guarantee, everyone was very happy. Raising chickens is easy. Since the last meeting, many people have raised a lot more chickens at home. There are too many eggs and I am worried. If Zhen Shuai can really find a market for the eggs, they will have one less thing to worry about.

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