Chapter 47

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Sofia's pov

Currently we are at home having our dinner silently. We all are pretending to be fine but deep down we all are anything but not calm. Now we have just 1 day and 2 nights left according to Victoria's threat note.

Adrian has called Martin over five times but Martin isn't picking up his phone. Neither we have got any kind of news regarding Victoria. I just hope he catches her soon.

Victoria needs to be arrested soon or else she will always be a threat to my daughter. But who am I kidding? Victoria is not a person who will stay calm even in the prison. The fact is, she'll always be a threat to my family and daughter as long as she is alive. I just wish that someone kill that Victoria. She shouldn't be alive.

With a sigh I started to have my dinner when I heard Ev's playful voice.

"You know, I'm getting more and more famous day by day" Ev said playfully and looked at Liam and Aaron with a teasing smile to which they gave her a confused look.

"See, I'm trending in twitter" Ev said showing them her phone screen to which they both rolled their eyes.

"Even my favorite hollywood artists are tweeting about me" Ev said with a smirk.

I smile knowing that my daughter is intentionally saying all these things to lighten the mood.

"So what? You trend once in a month or so. I trend almost every day" Celia said in a mocking tone and playfully nudged Liam's shoulder.

I chuckled a little. Celia is surely Ev's partner in crime. She knows what Ev is upto.

"Yeah but you never trend at number one. My name is always in number one trending list. I guess I'm the hot topic for half of the world" Ev said with a proud smile.

"Oh sweetie. Don't fly so much. My name is also in number one trending list most of the times" Celia said with an arrogant smile and turned towards Liam.

"You remember Liam when we got married, we were trending for almost a week that too in the number one position" Celia said fanning her hand to which Liam nodded and turned towards Ev with a smirk.

"Yep. We were trending for one whole week" Liam said proudly to which Ev rolled her eyes.

"Yeah?" Ev mocked them.

"Lemme start dating someone then I'll trend everyday unlike you two" Ev mocked Liam to which Liam rolled his eyes.

"Little one you're just seventeen. You should focus on your studies. You have your whole life for dating" Liam said shaking his head.

"So you mean, if I complete my studies, I can start dating?" Ev asked with a big smile to which Aaron and Liam faceplamed.

"No after studies you should focus on your career" Liam said twisting his lips in anger.

"So, what's the correct time for dating someone, Liam?" Ev asked raising her eyebrows at him.

I chuckled and looked at Liam waiting for his comeback but before he could have said anything, Adrian interrupted them.

"Okay Kids, you can have this serious discussion after some time. First finish your dinner" Adrian said with a small smile.

"But dad-"

"Liam. Stop talking and eat your dinner" Adrian stopped him in the middle to which Liam shook his head angrily and gave a warning look to Ev.

When my eyes went towards Adrian, I saw him having his dinner with a smile this time. I smile knowing that my daughter has the ability to make him smile.

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