Chapter 15

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Adrian Parker

As Grace went away, I felt a part of my heart empty. I really wanted her to stay but alas.

As she left the house everything went silent. She literally made whole surrounding cheerful with her presence.

Everyone was and are still talking about her. She made everyone fall in love with her. Her parents must be so lucky to have her as their daughter. She really reminds me of my Ev. She is of same age as Ev.

In her presence, I felt lively and happy. The same happiness which I never felt after Ev's unfortunate incident.

Sighing I turned around to leave when my eyes fell on Sofia who was looking at the entrance with sorrowful eyes.

"Sofia? What happened? Why are you looking upset?" I asked taking her in my arms.

"I don't wanted her to go. I wanted her to stay here with me, atleast for today" Sofia chirped sadly.

"Who?" I asked rubbing her arms in soothing manner.

"Grace" Sofia said and I stopped my action. Breaking the hug I looked in her eyes. She looked really upset.

"Sofia *sighing* I too wanted her to stay but she had to leave. Her family must be waiting for her" I said trying to comfort her.

She hummed still looking upset with her departure.

"Oh comeon, don't be upset. Come with me. Your favorite dessert is waiting for you" I said trying to cheer her up and dragged her towards the food corner.

Time skip.

As the party came to an end, all the guests went to their home. Now we all Parkers were sitting and talking with each other.

Through George looked angry for some reason and my dad, he looked deep in his thoughts.

When we were talking a man entered inside. It's John, our family doctor's assistant. Seeing him George instantly got up from his seat and went to him.

"I told you to hurry up, remember? But you're late" George said greeting his teeth in anger.

"Sorry sir, I was stuck in traffic" John said but George still looked angry.

Why John is here? And also why George is angry?

"Papers?" George asked angrily to which John gave him a envelope.

What's that?

We all got up from our seats and went towards him.

"George? What's in that paper and why are looking angry?" George's wife Emily asked him to which he shook his head and gestured John to leave.

Celia came forward and stands beside George. They both nodded at each other and George finally teared the envelope. Their was a paper inside.

As soon as George read the insides of paper, he freezed.

"George?" We all called him but he looked numb.

Taking the chance, Celia snatched the paper from George's hand and she looked start reading the paper and unlike George she didn't looked numb instead she looked happy.

"Celia - George, what's wrong with you guys? What is written in this paper?" My another brother Asher asked them but they looked like they were in different world.

Emily shook them both to which they looked at each other with shock and then others. And oh my, my, my God. George was crying. GEORGE WAS CRYING. GEORGE. UNBELIEVABLE.

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