Chapter 3

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Adrian Parkar Pov

Reaching my mansion, first thing that caught my attention was my parents who were busy playing with my princess.

"My cutiepie! My lucky charm! My princess" Dad nuzzles his nose with my princess to which she giggles.

I entered inside and took my princess from dad to which he glared me.

"How's my princess doing?" I asked kissing her cheek to which she giggles loudly.

"Dadaa.. I milsed yuuu" She muttered cutely in her broken language.

"Aw! Dada missed you too princess" I again kissed her cheek lovingly. I'll protect you all.

"Dad, didn't you missed us?" Aaron asked with fake anger to which I laughed.

"I missed you too Aaron" I kissed his cheek to which he grinned and ran away.

I looked around to see Sofia was busy in the preparation of the birthday party.

"Can I get back my granddaughter, now?" Dad asked annoyingly to which I laughed and forwarded my princess to him, knowing what's gonna happen now.

As soon as dad tried taking her from my arms, my princess started crying, clinging to me.

I laughed and "Sorry old man, but my princess want to spent her time with me" said arrogantly to which he glared me.

As I was busy laughing at my father, few officers came inside which I knew was Martin's officers.

"Why are they here?" dad asked to which I sighed.

"Victoria has run away from the prison. They're are here to protect us until Martin and team find her" I chipped to which he nodded. I didn't miss the worry lines in both there faces.

"Don't worry mom-dad. Everything will be ok" I tried comforting them but inside I was worried too.

"Dadddaa" My princess yelled annoyingly for not getting my attention to which I laughed and tickled her, making her giggle.

"I'll come back soon" saying so I handed my princess to dad and went to my room.

Next day. Today is my princess birthday and everyone is present in our mansion. All the women's are preparing for the party while mans are helping them and kids are busy in their own world. My princess is busy playing with her stuff toy, or I should say busy chewing the stuff toy. My adorable princess.

I'm little worried because yesterday night Martin called me and said that Victoria was caught in one of the CCTV near my mansion but when they tried searching her, but now they couldn't find her. This is making me more and more worried. Martin is still searching her but it's like she vanished in air. I just hope they caught her soon.

Sighing I went outside the room to call Martin again.

"Martin, did you find her?" I asked as soon as he answered the call.

"No Adrian, we are trying but their is no trace. Don't know where did she go. I have increased the security outside your mansion though" he replied which didn't help me to calm myself.

"Martin please do something. Search her. Today is my daughter's birthday and I really don't want her to create scene" I chipped annoyingly.

"I'm trying my best, Adrian" He replied that's when I heard my princess cries.

As I was about go inside the room but I bumped with a pillar. Shaking my head annoyingly I again made my way inside the room but stopped when Martin said that his team caught a suspicious women outside my mansion.

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