Chapter 27

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Grace/Evelyn's pov

"Ev? Why? Even after I told you everything, you are still trying to leave?" Mr Parkar asked shockingly.

"You really think that I'll believe you or your lies? I know you're lying" I said to which his shoulder's slumped down in defeat.

"Ev I wasn't lying. You are my daughter" He said with a broken face.

"I don't trust you" I said glaring him.

"Ev, go back to your room. We will talk tomorrow" Liam said with an angry face to which I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ev, in your room, NOW" He said getting more angry at me.

"Okay fine. I'm going back to my room Liam BROTHER" I said sarcastically.

"And just because you caught me today doesn't mean you will caught me again. I'll definitely leave this place, that too soon" I said glaring him and start walking towards the other direction.

"And you guys, keep close eyes on her" I heard Liam's ordering those bodyguard to which I groaned internally.


Once I entered inside the room, I threw my bag on the bed angrily and settled myself on the couch.

"I was almost there" I yelled at myself and caught my head by my palms.

I have to leave this place soon.

Adrian's pov

As soon as Ev went back to my room I turned towards Sofia and tightly hugged her.

"She doesn't trust us, Sofia. She doesn't trust us" I said with heavy heart.

Sofia kept rubbing my back and was trying to soothe me. Soon I broke the hug and settled myself in nearby couch. Sofia too sat beside me and was trying to console me.

"I can't believe it. She was trying to leave us" Aaron said with disappointment.

"What's wrong with her? Even after knowing everything, she still was trying to leave, why?" Liam asked loudly and settled in another couch.

"Liam please, control yourself" Celia said taking a seat beside him.

"How? How can I control myself Celia? How? Ev was trying to leave us. How can she? How?" Liam yelled angrily at her to which Celia sighed a little.

"Liam I know you are hurt but please for once try to understand things from Ev's view point. Liam almost all her life she has lived alone. She had no one that time. In all these years she might have thought that she is orphan and now all of a sudden we told her that she is our family, it might be confusing for her. She must be thinking that we are lying or something and to be honest not believing us isn't her fault. No one will easily believe a thing like that" Celia said and for the first time I realised that we never considered Ev's point of view in all these matters. We just thought about our sufferings.

"Liam, we don't know what have happened to her in all those past years. We don't know what she has gone through? We have told her everything but did we asked her about her past life? No, right? Liam if we want Ev in this family, we have to work carefully. We can't rush things. We have to win her trust, not her hate" Celia said to which Liam nodded a little.

"Also you should be proud of your sister that she isn't some idiot who is blindly trusting us instead she is taking her time. You should be proud that she is smart and not someone who can be manipulated easily" Celia said with a small smile.

"Celia is right. We should be happy that Ev is smart and not some dumb girl. Also we need to wait for her to open up or atleast for uncle Asher's friend to get us some information about Ev's Amsterdam matter. We need to gain her trust instead of scaring her" Aaron said to which I stood up.

"Celia and Aaron are right. We didn't considered Ev's view point earlier but now we should. In all these things, I forgot that we have to consider her point of view as well. We just can't simply ask her to agree to our demands" I said and they all nodded.

"Right. Let's take things little slow" Celia said softly.

"Right" Liam nodded and stood up from the couch.

"Thank you for explaining these things Celia. You are right. I wan an asshole who didn't considered Ev's feelings in all these things. Being her brother, I should have tried to understand her but instead I yelled at her" Liam sighed sadly.

"No Liam it's okay. You just act according to the situation and that isn't wrong. And don't worry about Ev. I know right now she is angry but trust me she is really kind girl from heart and she will forgive you soon" Celia smiled at him to which he nodded with a hopeful smile.

"I'll definitely win my sister's heart" Liam said with a smile.

"Okay now. I think we should go back to sleep now" Aaron said to which we all chuckled and nodded.

I'll definitely win my daughter's heart.

Next day.

Grace/Evelyn's pov

Making my way down the stairs with those bulky bodyguards following me, I rolled my eyes angrily. When I was almost at the main door Liam and Aaron came to me.

"Ev, where are you going?" Liam asked softly.

"School. The place where you have never been to" I said with a sarcastic smile to which Aaron laughed at me whereas Liam shook his in amusement.

This man.

"Okay fine. But these bodyguards will also go with you" Liam said with a smile.

"Why?" I asked angrily.

"To protect you" Liam replied.

"Protect me? From who? You?" I asked to which he shook his head a little.

"Ev please. They will protect you from all the dangers. And don't worry I have already talked with uncle George and he has said that he will also look at you in school, to protect you. And one more thing, I have asked my man's to get all your belongings from the dorm. All your stuffs will be here by evening so don't bother going there after school, okay" Liam said with a sick smile and I almost controlled myself to not to hit him with something.

"You think you're really smart, right?" I asked raising my brows at him to which he just nodded at me.

"You know, I was thinking of going to cops to complain against you and your family for kidnapping me" I said giving him a mock smile.

"The head commissioner is dad's friend, Ev" Liam said calmly causing me to burn in anger.

"Of course" I yelled at him and was about to leave the house but stopped myself.

"What is the password of this thing?" I asked pointing towards the main door to which both Aaron and Liam gave me an amused look.

"We are not telling you that" Aaron said with a chuckle to which I groaned angrily.

Soon he typed something and main door opened. He gave me a wide smile after that. Rolling my eyes at his idiotic act, I came out of the mansion and decided to walk till my school but those bodyguards forced me to use a car. After arguing for almost fifteen minutes I gave up and settled myself in black Lamborghini. Soon we reached my school. I didn't waited for a second and came out of the car and almost rushed inside the school campus, ignoring there calls.


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Thank you (❁´◡'❁)

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