Twenty Nine

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Several photos of Stefan reveal that the actor has a girlfriend and he is still with the same woman after more than three years!

AMZ has obtained a lot of evidence regarding the Romanian actor's romantic relationship from AMZ source that the actor was walking with someone who AMZ reported was the same woman at the red carpet premiere several years ago who was brought by the actor named Irene Williams, a singer and songwriter who reportedly now lives in New York City.

According to the several media parties, they enjoyed their time together in New York City, specifically in Central Park, and there were even several photos from netizens that Stefan approached his girlfriend in New York City for several days.


Los Angeles

Stefan, who was supposed to go alone to New York City with his manager, turned out to be Robert asking him to go with him to New York City so he won't be alone and lonely, according to Robert himself. This afternoon, Stefan is already in the airport with his team and waiting for Robert and Olivia in front of the departure gate with a lot of paparazzi taking his pictures. "Everybody is ready, we are just waiting for Robert and his team, right Chris?" Chris, who was checking the departure time, just nodded and Stefan lowered his hat slightly because of the bright sunlight plus the flash from the paparazzi cameras next to his team. After 10 minutes waiting for him, Robert and his team approach Stefan's team and Robert gives him a bro hug, "sorry, traffic these days is madness" and Olivia just gives him a bro fist "hey mr. workaholic, how are you" Stefan smacked Olivia's head gently "don't call me like that, you're the same as Rachel" Chris interrupted their activities then said, "if that's all, let's go in and wait for the boarding plane" they will board Stefan's private plane because it's quicker to arrive and don't wait too long. From the airport they boarded Stefan's rented bus to get to the plane, they immediately got on the plane and went to JFK, on the plane that had already taken off, Stefan and Robert sit together and Olivia sat opposite of Robert. "I heard that Irene will be at this fashion week event," said Olivia, Robert nodded, "she's the brand ambassador of my brand too –" before Robert finished his sentence, Stefan immediately interrupted, "she's the brand ambassador for Southeast Asia." Robert look at him, "oh, you knew about this, didn't you?" Stefan just takes a sip of his champagne without saying anything to him. "maybe she told him when he was in New York trip that he didn't tell us about" says Olivia with little anger in her voice "he already said it was a surprise trip baby, don't blame him" Stefan see Olivia annoyed gaze on Robert, "but still, he should told me, I'm her best friend" he heard both the two of them arguing and could only snuffle because he can see how Olivia much more like him than Irene, "oh my god I hope we land quickly" while wearing his earphones and the flight attendant gave them lunch then he used his earphones and enjoyed his food.

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New York City

The fashion week event starting at seven in the evening and several of Stefan's staff were already preparing and Stefan was conducting interviews with the brands he brought before the event start. What he didn't know was that Irene was at the hotel with Robert and Olivia because they were both representatives of their brand, he doesn't even get to check on his phone because a lot of people waiting turns to interview him with his suit. After finishing all the interviews, Stefan was immediately led to the car that would take him to the event venue. On the way to the car, in the hotel lobby hallway he met a woman who he thought was familiar from behind with long wavy dark brown hair, wearing a simple black dress which forms a very familiar body shape as the woman turns around and Stefan's world seem to stop for a moment.

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