Twenty One

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The sunlight greet Stefan and he immediately woke up from his sleep. Before he took a shower and clean himself, he approaching Irene, who is still like a sleeping beauty in the ward bed with the oxygen device still on and the sound of the heart detector sounding in the room. 

"Good morning Williams, are you still holding on not open your eyes? Today I pushed back my schedule so I'm free today." He stroked the girl's forehead, then went to the bathroom to shower. It turned out that when he was taking a shower, Chris was only able to come to give Stefan some clothes and underwear. 

He knocking on the bathroom "Stefan, these are your clothes, shall I just put them on the sofa?" Stefan, who heard Chris' voice from inside the bathroom, immediately took the towel provided by the hospital because he had finished showering. He open the door and see Chris with the bag he usually carried, "Oh, thank God you come" he take the bag and closed the door to change his clothes. After changing clothes, he came out neatly and saw Chris sitting on the sofa, "Has the doctor checked Irene yet?" Chris asked and Stefan, who was putting his bag on the floor, answered "Not yet, maybe after the doctor comes, you already did postpone all my schedules, right? Olivia asked me to look after her a little longer before she finishes her internship, what about Rachel?" Stefan asked then took the iced coffee that Chris had bought. 

"Rachel is starting to get better, her father picking her up today, do you want to meet her first?" Stefan shook his head, "That's really great news, no, I already knew what happened to both of them." Chris gave Stefan a pack of the sandwiches he usually bought and he accepted it. "After we know Irene's condition, I want to tell you something important" before Stefan opened his mouth to ask, Chris immediately interrupted him "after the doctor comes, understand?" Stefan sit down while eating his sandwich. It didn't take long, after Stefan finished his food, the doctor came with the nurses to check Irene's progress. 

"Good morning doctor" said Stefan, "good morning, I'm Dr. Brown, are you looking after Miss Williams today? " asked the young doctor, Stefan answered "yes, today I am looking after Williams, I'm Stefan Luca" The doctor checked Irene's condition and the nurse replaced Irene's IV fluid which was almost empty. "Okay, mr. Luca, Miss Williams's condition is getting better, maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow she will wake up from her sleep, we all always give the best for patients" a feeling of relief covering Stefan's body because he was very worried about her. "Thank you doctor, I hope she can wake up as soon as possible." After that the doctor and nurse left the ward, Stefan sips his ice coffee and Chris just looking at his phone. "so, what's you want to tell me about?" Stefan looks at Chris directly. "You asked me about the paparazzi issue, right? I know who is behind it." Stefan listening him, "someone paid so much money for that paparazzi and that someone asks them to follow her night and day" Stefan still not saying anything while sipping his iced coffee, Chris know that Stefan is holding his grudge as he continue to tell him the truth, "that someone is actually we known before, she is Jessica, she paid the paparazzi" that moment, Stefan's eyes change instantly, "call Olivia here to stay and watch Williams" Without asking, Chris immediately calling Olivia by the phone. Now Stefan's thoughts were racing all over the place, how could that woman use dirty paths on him through that girl? this is just between them, why does she involve Williams in their own problem?

Olivia could accompany Irene but she could come in the afternoon before lunch break, so Stefan asked Robert to also come to accompany Olivia here. They waited for twenty minutes and Robert came with Alex, Stefan immediately stood up followed by Chris "thanks buddy, you have come, please look after Williams first and Olivia will be here in the afternoon" Robert asked "where are you going?" Stefan answered, "there are things I have to finish now." Robert saw his friend's unusual expression, as if he was holding back anger and annoyance. Robert just nodded, "Okay, be careful on the road, bro and looks after him, Chris." Stefan walking out, follow by Chris behind him, then they heading to the car, but Stefan, who want to be driving the car, had even been forbidden by Chris because Stefan is holding back his anger. "Stefan, calm yourself first," Stefan was silent, "Where are the car keys?" Chris didn't give him his car keys, "Chris, where are my car keys!" Chris answered, "I'll give it to you if you try to calm down first." Stefan closed his eyes for a moment and exhaled, "now I'm calm, where are the keys?" Chris tossing him the key, then Stefan open the car door, start the engine and Chris got in the front seat. 

Stefan, who was still holding back his anger, drove very fast and instantly like a car racer in the grand prix. Chris look so panic with the car's speed but no one could stop Stefan from anything, even a problem like this. They arrive at Jessica's mansion, he almost hit one of Jessica's cars which was parked right in front of the entrance to her mansion, with burning emotions, he get out of the car and immediately rushed to her mansion. He banging on the door of Jessica's mansion and there was a woman's voice from inside the mansion as the door was opened. The owner of the house was surprised by Stefan's arrival, "Stefan!" The one who was called was furious and immediately grabbed the woman by her hand "What have you been doing all this time! You have destroyed me to the ground and now you hurt and almost killed an innocent girl!" Jessica, who was not ready for Stefan's action, panic and it is on Jessica's face now. "Stefan, what are you doing?!" Jessica trying to release Stefan's grip from her hand. 

Chris tried to stop Stefan, who was like a volcanic eruption, no one could stop Stefan Luca's anger, not even his own manager. "S-Stefan, let go of your hand!" Chris says a sentence that might make him stop "Stefan, remember that Irene is still unconscious" Chris' words made Stefan let his grip off on Jessica's hand and let go. Jessica's face showed pain on her hand because Stefan's grip made her hand red. "I don't care if you are a woman or not, I will punch you in the face right now" said Stefan, who was controlling his emotions, Chris also revealed their arrival, "We know you are the mastermind behind all the paparazzi that happened to that girl, you paid the paparazzi to follow that girl and now she's lying unconscious in the hospital because your paparazzi crashed into her car." Jessica looked shocked by the news, she panicked "I-I just paid them to bother that girl by following her but I can't control them and that's not my fault" Stefan just snorted "looks like you're going to wear something orange?" Jessica looked at Stefan "no, I won't get involved because it's not my fault and I'm going to Milan today, so don't get in my way." Stefan, still in an angry tone said "you can't go anywhere now" Jessica took her suitcase then walk out from her mansion, Stefan grabbing Jessica's hand "I said you can't go" Jessica pushed his hand away "I'm late Stefan, move!" and went straight to her car which already had a driver and all the staff were ready, Stefan was weak because his emotions were out of control.

Stefan ran after Jessica but his car had already left the mansion. Stefan clenched his fist and punched the pillar of the mansion hard. Chris, who had been silent for a while, turned out to have recorded the sound of everything that happened. "It looks like she won't escape from any law and crime," said Chris. Stefan, who looked annoyed, immediately looked at Chris with a confused face. "What do you mean Chris?" He also showed his phone which had been recording their conversation, "This could be evidence for Irene." He saved the recording, Stefan immediately smiling like a devil, thinking about what would happen to Jessica, that cunning woman. "Come on Stefan, it looks like we have to stand in front of them for now, justice for Irene and Rachel." said Chris then Stefan ran to his car "okay, let's report this to the authorities and call my lawyer and that woman must know who her real opponent is" they got into the car and headed to the police station in Los Angeles, to report the accident and Jessica as the mastermind of the paparazzi so it can be taken to court and that woman can't hurt anyone anymore, specially to someone that precious for him. 






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