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It's been a few days since Irene has been busy with her activities to meet with the director and music video producer for her. Irene always came home late at night to talk about this new project. 

The weather at Long Beach is very hot making many people reluctant to leave the house even just to buy food but that afternoon Rachel, Irene's manager came carrying lots of thick drawing books and also two plastic bags filled with cloth for the clothes she would wear when making a music video. She arrived at the door of Irene and Olivia's apartment, she put the plastic bag on the floor before knocking on the door. A few minutes later, the door opened and Irene was seen in her nightgown and her eyes were practically like someone who lacked time to sleep, "oh it's you Rachel, come in," she let her manager come in with her hands full of items, "why didn't you call first, I thought Olivia just came back from her work, she just left like an hour ago." Rachel was still trying to carry the things in her hands to the living room of her artist's apartment while Irene closed her front door. Irene went back to her living room to continue watching the film that she paused to open the door while Rachel preparing her belongings for the next recording and meeting. 

Irene munching her potato chips while looking at the character that Stefan plays (yes, she is watching Stefan's film). 

"Rachel, is there any update about Robert? I need to know if he say yes or no about being my model" Rachel who finish packing Irene's belongings walk toward her with the bag on her hand, "yes, he said he wants to help you, so his team willing to rearrange his schedule for you and why did he bother to do so? Are you something that I don't know?" Rachel just stand there and she just folded her arms across her chest, Rachel's words made Irene stop chewing her potato chips and looked at Rachel with an expression that held back her laughter, "No, we are just friends or maybe you should ask Olivia that question. Are you done Rach? It's another meeting right?" Irene close her chips while turning it off, she gets up and cleaning the crumbs on her shirt and her hands. "Yeah, meeting with Joe and your vocal training Ms. Williams." Rachel smile at her while she tied her shoes in front of the door.

– – – –

They both arrived at vocal practice for Irene, luckily there are no traffic jams that make them late to the session. 

When they arrived, Irene and Rachel went straight to Irene's session and preparing her drinks as well as Irene's notebooks and recordings device. Irene start her session very smoothly because the teacher and her producer were there to see how ready she is if she has to go to a concert or festival around LA or much bigger events. Irene is a typical girl who is very shy to appear on a big stage, she always performs in cafes that close to her apartment or on a small scale stages, because she knows that her name has not been heard by people who enjoy pop music. Irene tries hard to work on her music and promote her music through her and her friends' social media. Irene is still young but she has had a lot of good and bad experiences in this field, her mother has already partly let her go to another person's country, even though she often gives messages and calls to her mother. 

Time flies for Irene while practicing her voice which she hasn't done for a long time, Rachel then got information where Robert's team asked Irene's manager to meet with the two artists, Irene was drinking and taking a break and was called by Rachel to talk about something. "Irene, I got the news that Robert agrees and his team is asking for your time for you to talk about everything for your music video, the label has said agree and they waiting for your response" Irene who was drinking immediately stopped and almost choked on the mineral water and then coughed "oh my god Rachel" she manage to clean the water spill on her jeans, "how about tomorrow, would they say yes if I said tomorrow?" Rachel just smiles at Irene with her phone still on one of her ears. 

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