Start from the beginning

I nodded. "I'm worried about you guys, and, I don't want to put any of you at risk because of me.

"Kat..." Rhea stopped me nicely. "We all want to help you. None of us stand for anything of what you've been through, we'd do it to help anyone out of a situation."

My cheeks stung as I held back some tears. I cleared my throat and blinked away the stinging. I tried to lighten the mood a little. "You guys really aren't big scary villains like on the shows huh?"

"We're actually pretty nice people." Rhea assured me. "Damien is... he's my best friend and he's helped me through some dark stuff in my life. He's so supportive and so caring, he'd do anything for me. I know he would do anything to help you, not just for me but because he's that sort of person." I looked down and thought about how special I was feeling. "We should get up and go, we don't have long before I have to be at the arena."

I followed Rhea up, and basically followed her around like a lost puppy. She let me use a few of her beauty things, showing me what she likes and what she thinks I'd like. She showed me ins and outs of her home, and in her kitchen.

She said she'd make me her favourite breakfast, which was oats and berries. It sounded alright, so I let her do that while I chose an outfit of hers to wear today. She said I could choose anything, so I poked at her coat hangers, studying all her different clothes.

I pulled some jeans out, and examine them. They were already baggy with a rip in the knee. I pulled them on and they were a bit bigger, but I tightened them with a belt I found.

Then I pulled a simple graphic tee, which was oversized and pretty demonic looking. But I liked it. Luckily, we were the same size in shoes, and I found a pair of black and purple sneaker type shoes that looked cool. I tried them on, and looked at myself in her long mirror.

I looked... I felt like I had something now. Some sort of style, at least. It was something.

The door opened and Rhea came in to check on me. She looked me up and down and smirked. "I love it, malysh." She said, and opened the door further for me to come out. "Foods ready."

I had to pull the jeans up a bit so they didn't drag too much on the ground, and Rhea laughed at me.

I sat on a stood and the oats smelt really good. The berries were so bright and looked so fresh. "Spasibo." I whispered, picking the spoon up to dig in.

"I love when you speak Russian." Rhea faced me as she ate, watching between me and her food."

I smiled. "oves nemnogo sukhovat, no mne eto nravitsya."
The oats are a little dry, but I like it.

Rhea gave me a look with little eyes and a curious smile. "What does that mean?"

"The oats are delicious, the best thing I've ever had." I said, smiling with innocence.

Rhea smiled and spooned another mouthful. "Tell me something else."

"Like what?" I said.

She shrugged. "I don't know, tell me something fun."

I thought about something to say that would be fun. Something pretty intense came to my head. "ty napominayesh' mne, chto takoye lyubov"
You remind me of what love feels like.

Rhea went to say something, but I kept going. "YA vsegda lyubil tol'ko svoyu mat', i ty napominayesh' mne ob etom chuvstve."
I have only ever loved my mother, and you remind me of that feeling.

Rhea smiled a little like she could tell I said something kind. "What did you say?" She lent in a little, waiting for me to answer.

I shrugged and turned away to spoon some oats. "You'll have to learn Russian." I teased her.

Rhea grabbed the bottom of my stool and spun it so I faced her. "I'll learn an entire language for you, Kat."

I smiled. "Better get onto it then. podozhdi, poka ya ne zagovoryu po-russki vo vremya seksa"
Wait until I speak Russian during sex.

Rhea raised her eyebrows, small playful smile. "Seksa." She repeated the last word I said. "What did you just tell me about sex, Kat?" She asked pretty seriously.

I looked down and Rhea held my cheeks softly to make me look at her. I avoided her eyes and lent to kiss her but she turned her head and I made contact with her cheek.

"Seksa? Russian? You know many dirty phrases?" Rhea asked.

I looked away and smiled cheekily. "I've read a few books."

"Mmm, I like the Russian language, until you use it with me in bed, Kat. I want to hear what you're saying or if you need to rest." Rhea said, and pulled back. "I take you very seriously, and I want to be so careful with you."

I went back to my oats, appreciating what she was saying. It was really kind.

Rhea finished before me and she got dressed, and guided me out to her truck. We were both on edge a little, keeping an eye out but it was all fine the entire way to the shopping centre into town.

Rhea parked and led us inside. I was immediately overwhelmed with all the shops and all the people. It was fairly busy and I didn't even know where I could and should start.

I looked up to Rhea beside me and she grabbed my hand, interlocking her fingers with mine. "Let's start with the boring stuff." She had a location in mind and she led us through the mall and to a bank.

She wasn't lying when she said it was boring stuff.

Rhea set me up with a very empty bank account, then she ordered me a passport and register for a license. I hardly knew what I was doing, but Rhea was with me every step of the way.

I was dreading the next place we were going until she brought me into this loud studio type place. Not dancing, but... piercing and tattoos. "Hey, do you guys have time for a piercing?" Rhea asked the man at the front desk, not letting my hand go.

"Absolutely. What we're you planning on getting?" He asked her, curious and looking at Rhea up and down. He certainly liked what he saw in Rhea. Tattooed up and pierced up.

Rhea cleared her throat, and turned to me. "It's actually not for me, it's for my- my um friend Kat."

I smiled at the guy who raised his eyebrows surprised. "And what did you want pierced?" He asked, moving on.

"My nose, please." I answered.

"We can do that, take a seat." He motioned to the couch nearby and we went to sit down.

My heart started to race. I tapped my toes on the ground. "I'm nervous."

Rhea squeezed my hand. "You're allowed to be. It's pretty scary."

"You have heaps of piercings, you can't be that scared."

Rhea chuckled. "I get scared all the time. It's normal." Rhea assured me.

I was called in, but I was nervous and Rhea saw that, asking if she could come in and make sure I was alright. He debated it, but let her come in, even by my feet and put a comforting hand on my ankle.

Well shit.

That hurt.

Leaving the studio, Rhea was staring at me with a smile, giggling a little.

"That wasn't nice at all." I complained. "How did you ever get your nipples pierced?"

Rhea laughed. "Come on, Kat." Rhea wrapped a protective arm around my waist. "We're not done yet. There so much I still want to spoil you with."

I blushed and follow Rhea into this... lingerie store.

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