16: Nico Di Fucking-Angelo!

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Will's P.O.V. (He's talking to himself in third person, don't question it! :)

BACK TO SCHOOL! FINALLY... said no one ever, sure I'm a smart kid, but who needs school when I can just cuddle with my cute boyfriend all day? Winter break is sadly over, and I once again have to resist the urge to kill anyone who stares at Nico, with hate, disgust, or the worst one lust. I don't like to admit it, but I'm the jealous type. It's not that I don't trust Nico it's just that he deserves the world, and I'm not the world. I'm Will Solace... hi. Just Will Solace, and he's a freakin angel! He's gorgeous, and kind and the smartest kid in school. He's sarcastic but in a funny way and he has a aura around him that just makes him glow!

He's perfect, and he's mine. For now, but what if... No I have to stop thinking like that. Nico loves me, and I love him and we'll be fine. PAST WILL WE DON'T TEMPT FATE! Of course we will be, what am I even worrying about. Then, we walk into the school hand in hand. As soon as those doors open, all eyes are on us, mostly Nico though. I see a few guys look him up and down, he's wearing cargo pants and a tank top with a unzipped black sweater, showing his abs. I see them look at Nico, and one starts to come over, to talk. I quickly pull him against me, and kiss him passionately in front of everyone, what's wrong with me? He tries to pull away, but I kiss him for five more seconds.

He blushed, and walked away eyes wide, and slightly hurt. What's wrong with me? He goes to his locker, muttering something to himself, it seemed like he was reassuring himself of something. He's not looking at me, just focusing on his locker. Nico knew that I had a short temper, and I could be slightly jealous. He learned that when we went to the mall, and the guy at the register tried to give him his number. Let's just say after the scene I caused I'm not allowed in that store anymore.

Living with someone, you learn a lot of things about them, especially since Nico isn't hiding anything to big about himself anymore. Also about yourself, I never thought I would be this protective. Nico has kissed almost every boy in this grade, and now he just has me, Will Solace.

"I'm sorry about that babe" I said, moving a strand of hair out of his face trying to get him to look at me. Nico sighs, and kisses my cheek.

"It's fine, just remember that I'm in love with Will Solace, not some guy that treats me like meat" he said, rolling his eyes. Nico always knew what to say. I am just Will Solace, but just Will Solace got Nico to love him, so I must be doing something right. We went into Mr. Bolif's class, and instead of Nico going to his seat he goes to the front desk. I forgot, he was a teachers aide, since he had been taking college courses, and wants some practice teaching.

Nico started the class, with Mr. Bolif in the corner, grading something, smiling as Nico thoroughly explained the material, while letting us discuss, and sit on the desks, I think he like sitting on tables. He's glowing, as he teaches, a small smile on his face. I end up staring. When everyone starts working on the problem Nico comes close to me, his face not even a centimeter from my neck.

"Eyes, on your paper babe"  he whispered, his hot breath going down my neck, and my shirt. I had to bight my lip as he walked away to help another student. Oh, he's evil.

"Okay, gimme them papers now!" he said, snatching all of our papers.

"This problem has multiple answers, raise your hand if you don't mind me using your answer" he asked. A bunch of kids raised their hands and he nodded. He picked Kayla's and went over, the problem. I should be paying attention, to what he's saying, I really should be. But Neeks is doing that thing, where he talks with his hands, and when he starts to listen to a student he bites his finger, and he's just so g- WILLIAM ANDREW SOLACE FOCUS! Thank's sane part of my mind I needed that.

"That's all for today, homework's on the board, make sure to study for next Friday's test, relearn a lesson a day to keep the bad grades away" he said, then snorted at how ridiculous he sounded. Gods, why must he be so distracting. Everyone leaves the class including Mr. Bolif for coffee. I spin him around, by pulling his waist.

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