day-me and God

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8:50 pm

It's been an amazing month. My life has completely changed. I feel like I've finally begun living again. I feel so renewed and refreshed. I feel at such peace with myself and my life. I'm doing so good in school and it's all because of Him.

It's all because of someone truly amazing. It's all because of God. I've come this far because of God's grace and mercy. God has brought me this far. He's healed what I prayed for so long to heal. He took away what for so long I thought would never leave. He stopped me from continuing to destroy myself.

I'm living my prayer right now. I remember when I'd cry out to God with a brokenness. I remember when I'd hide from God because of my son. I remember when I thought I'd have to start all over again.

And I remember when God came and swooped me away. I remember when God told me I just had to set my eyes on Him. I remember when God found something worthy in me. I remember when God began to cleanse me and he's still doing it. But it's all because of His grace.

There are no words except for— Thank you Jesus.

I'm no longer bitter. I no longer have anger in me. I no longer have hatred in me. Yes, it hurts a bit but it's not the same hurt. It doesn't feel the same anymore.

I'm no longer living a dirty life. I'm no longer sinning the way I used to. I'm no longer living in this world of sin. In this world of confusion and worldly desires, I'm so grateful to God.

This is my advice; if He did it for me, He can do it for you.


Trust me when I tell you that.

It's only up from here 🔝

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