day 165

16 0 0


today is the last day of the year. I'm scared and excited to see what the next year brings. This year has been extreme. We're living through a global pandemic, but I have to say I'm happy for those that have been traveling. For those that have found some sort of joy.

I get it people are dying and maybe it may seem like it's selfish to travel, but I think with times like these you should be selfish. Be selfish with spending time with the ones you love. Be selfish in doing the things you love. Be selfish with making sure you put yourself and your happiness first. Times like these deserve selfish acts.

I think this may be the first year where I really have no regrets. For the most part I've been home, but I just regret not treasuring the moments I went out with E. I regret not taking a picture or video. Something to remember that moment. That I do regret.

I haven't seen him and I won't be able to see him till next year ;). But life goes on. I think this year I want to let go of E. Obviously there isn't anything happening with us and I've made somewhat of peace with it. And if I haven't then I'll just have to try until I've succeeded.

This year coming I want to be selfish. I want to be selfish about my time. I want to be selfish about who I let in and who I don't let in. I want to put myself and my happiness first. I want to love myself for all the good and all the bad. This year is my year and I honestly don't care what's happening around me.

I believe everything happens for a reason. So this year I choose happiness and self love and self worth. I hope you do the same! :)

Happy New Year!

trying to feel better Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang