day 393

22 0 0

11:30 pm

I'm like so annoyed with myself!! I give E so much power over me without even realizing. E and I did have sex. It felt meaningless.

Like I literally feel nothing about what happened. I know that I would go on and on about how important my virginity was to me. But I feel nothing. I feel the same. I don't regret it, but I wish it would've meant something. That it would've been special.

That it would've been with someone I was in love with. And I think that's what makes it feel meaningless. I love E, but I'm not in love with him. I've thought that I was so in love with E. The way I thought I felt for him was so profound and then we had sex. And all of that just went away.

Yes I still have feelings for him, but it's like having sex with him cleared the feelings up. It made me open my eyes and see that I do love him. I do care so much about him and trust him, but I'm not in love with him.

And I wish I would've waited for someone I'm in love with. I wish I would've waited and made sure it special. Made sure it was intimate like I've always wanted it to be. But no I gave it to my best friend. I don't regret it.

He made me feel safe and comfortable. He listened to me and constantly asked if I was good. He made sure I wasn't in pain. I just wish it would've been different and with a different person.

My advice; wait for someone you're truly in love with and that they are truly in love with you. and make sure they make you feel safe.

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