He sighed, "I know it would be hard, but everything will be well even with your mate. She will help and be by your side for better and worse."

I've longed for shifting and still haven't found my mate. Maybe when I become King, I'll find her on that day. She could be an Alpha's daughter or Beta's daughter. Until then, I think I have a right to have fun. "Just promise me you'll protect and respect your mate, even if it's Tracy. I know the moon goddess will bless you a wonderful mate." Father smiled, "do you promise?" He asked, even though he was chuckling at me having Tracy as my mate.

It would be a nightmare for me.

But I care about my father no matter what, and the thought of losing him breaks my heart. I groaned, then nodded, "I promise I'll learn to control myself." We stared at each other and smiled warmly at each other...

"I failed you, Father," I muttered, rubbing my face, leaning against my seat, then at the doors. I was waiting for some news about my mate, my Queen.

"NATE!?" I snapped out of my train of thought, glancing at Kelly and Sean as they ran in.

"What happened!?" Kelly asked, standing before me with concern written on her face, "How is Laura? Did the doctor say anything?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

I sighed and shook my head. 'no,' then I heard a growl from Sean, "I knew this would happen! What did you do, Nate!?" He yelled, shooting a sharp glare over at me.

My wolf snapped, and I jumped onto my feet, growling at him, "Do NOT yell at your King!" I yelled, using my alpha voice at him. Then it hit me. Sean warned me not to see Laura while I was drunk, but I was foolish and yelled at him and now look. I calmed down, "I marked her without her permission."

Kelly gasped in horror, and Sean growled in disappointment. I noticed how they've grown close to Laura, and they'll do anything to protect her.

Suddenly, the doors finally opened, and Dr Karen walked in. We glanced at her, quietly sighed and bowed her head. "Your Highness, I'm sad to say because of her loss of blood and forced marking, Luna is in a coma, and I am not sure when she will wake up."

I held my breath and closed my eyes tightly, trying to stop my tears from escaping. This was my fault.

"Do you believe she will wake up?" Kelly asked nervously, voice laced with hope.

"We're not sure since she has lycan blood, and we only know about werewolves. That is why we informed the Elders, and they'll be here to help."

"Shit!" Sean and I cursed under our breath. We both know if the Elders get involved, they will question my title as Alpha King.

Before I could speak, the doors opened behind us, and all three Elders walked in with Mother following closely beside them. "Oh goddess, Nathan, what happened!? Is Laura okay?" Mother asked, rushing towards me. She cupped my cheek and then pulled me into an embrace.

I didn't have the energy to react to my mother's embrace, so I kept quiet. When we pulled away from our embrace, I turned my attention to the Elders. They first bowed their heads. Elder Smallwood was the first to open his mouth, "Alpha King, this is a great embarrassment for the royal family. Just imagine how disappointed your father would be?"

I glared at him, stepping forward, but Mother grabbed my arm without stopping. "Don't use that tone on me. I am still your King," I growled, feeling my hands clenched into fists.

"Then act like one," he took a step forward.

My eyes turned black, full of anger, and a growl rambled in my chest. He, too, growled back at me, which angered me even more. I was about to jump on him and rip his head off.

"Everybody calm down!" Mother shouted, "Elders, please follow Dr Karen and help her." She said, glaring at Elder Smallwood, tightening her grip around my arm.

There was a glaring competition between Elder Smallwood and me before he and the others bowed and followed Dr Karen to the other room. I pulled out of my mother's grip and stormed out of the room. There were too many people in the room, and all I wanted was Laura. I need to see her.

Laura's POV

I gasped for air, snapping my eyes wide, only blinded by a bright light. I groaned in pain, flicking my eyes to adjust to the light as I pushed myself onto my feet. When I was up, my eyes landed on her. She smiled warmly, "Hello Laura dear, you came to visit mother, I see." She stretched out her hand, "Come, come, let's go."

I forced a smile as I grabbed her hand. She gently led the way, and I glanced around and back at her, "what's going on?" I asked.

She glanced over her shoulder, "You are in a coma..."

I stopped and stared at her in shock, "W-what?" Then it clicked in my head: memories of Nate marking me and my fear. With my free hand, I grazed the crook of my neck.

"When Nathan marked you, you lost a lot of blood, and because it was a forced marking, you went into a coma to accept it and heal. It's part of being a lycan. Since you haven't shifted, it will take time for you to wake up."

"What am I going to do now?" I thought to myself.

Moon- I mean mother or mom chuckled, "You are not just visiting your mother for nothing, but you are going to learn a bit about your lycan side." She said.

Is that so?

I looked up at her and tilted my head, "I was meaning to ask..."

"What is it?" She asked, tilting her head as she took a step towards me.

"Who's my father?" 

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