╬ 009; Trickster ╬

Start from the beginning


"Sorry about that, but, Noshiko says she needs to talk to us." Scott apologized.

Ivanna frowns confusingly. "Who in the hell is Noshiko?"

"That would be me." A woman says.

Ivanna then twirled onto her toes, looking at the woman, whom was with a weakened Ken Yukimura.

"Oh! Damn, you look like Kira, like exactly a lot." Ivanna took in her appearance.

Kira was then seen coming inside the classroom, a jar in her hands.

"You brought it." Noshiko says.

"Are you going to tell me what it is?" Kira questioned.


Noshiko then took the jar from Kira.

"Stiles did this?" Scott questions.

Noshiko nods. "He wanted the last Kaiken."


Underneath the creamy sheets, Stiles' arms was seen circling around Ivanna's body, keeping her close him, him placing a possessive kiss onto the side of neck, trailing down her shoulder.

"I bet he does love you too." A dark smirk graced his features.

A voice was heard muffled into the ear of Ivanna, as if trying to reach out to her, Ivanna frowns deeply, her trying to figure out where that voice seemed to be coming from.

He then whispers soothingly into her ear. "Shh, go to sleep."

Dark veins was seen appearing all over the brunette's body as well the Stilinski's body.


Noshiko points towards Ivanna, who gave her a distrusting glare. "You don't believe me, do you?"

"I don't trust you." Ivanna simply says.

Noshiko irritably looks at her. "You think he did this to his self?"

"I met with Stiles, he's fine." Ivanna argues.

"When?" Noshiko impatiently asks.

"...last night."

"What did you two do? You didn't kiss him, did you? Please tell me you didn't." Noshiko frantically questioned.

"You said she wanted to talk to us, but, all she has been doing is stalling, i'm leaving." Ivanna angrily says.

Ivanna then went to leave, but heard Noshiko's voice.

"You were the only one Stiles showed his key to, you were also the one that had his key." Noshiko says.

Ivanna then swiftly turns around, anger in her eyes. "What exactly are you insinuating?"

Kira gave her mother a warning look. "Mom."

Kira then smiles at Ivanna. "She's not-."

"No, let her talk." Ivanna cut her off.

"You ever had a case of sleepwalking?" Noshiko questioned.

Ivanna then faked a smile. "No, abuse more fits in my category."

"Mom, please, stop." Kira pleads.

Ivanna then looks at Scott pleadingly. "Scott? You don't think i was helping him, do you? I don't...i don't even know how i got that in my hands."

"I don't think that." Scott assured.

"I'm just saying...isolate her." Noshiko says.

Ivanna scoffs. "Really? Why? Because, it's in my nature to be a fugitive?"

"No, because you have no idea what you're doing!" Noshiko exclaims.

"Mom, i didn't let her come here so you could hurl accusations at her." Kira says irritably.

"You already have a part of him inside you...a little, but it's worth something, i can feel it." Noshiko says to the brunette.

"Why should i listen to anything that you have to say?" Ivanna rudely asks.

Noshiko rolls her eyes at how hard headed the teen was being.

"Your friend's gone, okay? And you wanna save him? Then kill him." Noshiko then says.

Scott stares at her in shock and disbelief. "I'm not killing my best friend."

Ivanna angrily glares at Noshiko. "Just because you lost your lover, doesn't mean we're going to lose someone we care about."

Kira gave her mother an upsetting look as she noticed how Ivanna stormed out of the room.


Inside the Sheriff's station, Sheriff Stilinski was seen walking through the halls of the station, him in a worrisome state, just thinking about his son, whilst talking with Allison and Argent.

"Do you have any idea where Stiles is?" Ivanna was seen rushing inside.

"Stiles isn't here, honey, it isn't him, do you understand?" Argent softly asks.

Ivanna lightly scoffs. "That's impossible, i talked with him, just last night."

"Y-you were with him, Iv-." Allison was saying in shock.

Ivanna felt like she couldn't breathe, finally realizing something. "Oh, no, no."

"Are you kidding me?" Ivanna whispered out in horror.

"Ivanna? What happened?" Allison carefully asks.

"Hi, dad." Void says.

The group then turned around to see Void Stiles standing there, with a look of innocence.

"How's it been going, Ivy." Void wiggled his fingers teasingly at the Beta.

Ivanna growls lowly at the Nogitsune, Allison becoming worried, as she looked at her.

"No, wait."



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