Chapter 9: Untwisting Realities

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They came out of the ghost portal and got out of their suits and walked up the stairs and out of the basement. They were back in the firehouse where The Box Ghost and Slimer were playing cards with Podcast, Lucky, and Winston.

"Danny!" Dani's voice came to Danny's ears and he saw Tucker and Dani wide awake and they were excited to see them. Danny rushed over and hugged them. Trevor walked over to Phoebe and smiled at her.

"Podcast filled me in. Thanks for saving me." Trevor sighed.

"Your welcome." Phoebe responded and she hugged him. After everybody reunited with their friends Danny drew everybody's attention.

"Ok, as amazing as this team up has been, this was a fun ride, but now it's over." Danny sighed and everybody looked sad. "It's time for all of us to go back to our proper worlds." Danny said this and Ray walked over to him.

"You know, for a kid who's half ghost you sure are a pretty darn good Ghost hunter. Obviously, if one of us ever finds a way to contact our alternate universes, you are 100% a member of the Ghostbusters." Ray said and Danny nodded.

"Only if Tucker and Sam can be too." Danny responded and Ray nodded.

"Absolutely." Ray stated and Danny nodded proudly and Phoebe walked over to Danny and Sam and she looked to Sam.

"Take care of him. Sometimes he's smart but he also needs you to test his better judgement." Phoebe said and Danny let out a laugh.

"Oh you can count on her doing that, especially when we have kids one day." Danny replied and Sam blushed at the thought of it.

"I'm gonna miss you." Phoebe admitted and Danny smirked and then he hugged her. They parted and Danny looked to Podcast.

"Make sure you don't let her overthink things too much. She's brilliant but she needs you to ground her." Danny said.

"I think he'll soon be doing more than that." Venkman joked and Trevor looked confused.

"Wait what happened while I was out?" Trevor asked and Podcast ran over and hugged him.

"We were so worried about you?!" Podcast distracted Trevor and Ray let out a laugh. Slimer then looked to the Box Ghost.

"Blehsem oh so fama." Slimer said sadly and Box Ghost nodded.

"I'LL MISS YOU TO OH SLIMY FRIEND!!!" Box Ghost shouted sand then he hugged Slimer. They parted and then The Box Ghost flew over to Danny and his group. Danny, Sam, Tucker, Dani, and The Box Ghost stood in front of the Ghostbusters and took a deep breath in. Danny then held the staff at a distance from himself and lifted it in the air and then he struck it and nothing happened. It didn't break and he kept hitting it and it still didn't break and then Venkman pulled his proton pack out and pointed the gun.

"I gotcha." Venkman said and then he struck the staff with the proton pack and the staff quickly exploded. Phoebe watched Danny and his friends disappear and then the cartoon color faded out of the world and became realistic. Phoebe let out a sad sigh.........

Later that day Phoebe and the group were playing cards and eating when Phoebe's Mom and Gary came into the room.

"So, the world colliding with another, countless children going comatose, and the world turning into a cartoon had nothing to do with you guys, did it?" Callie asked.

"No not at all." Phoebe lied and Callie crossed her arms.

"We tried to stop your daughter from summoning Bloody Mary but it didn't work." Venkman avoided blame and Callie rolled her eyes.

"It was an accident in my defense." Phoebe responded. "But I fixed the problem."

"I guess that's all that matters. I'm gonna have to get used to it if my kid is going to become a permanent Ghostbuster here in New York." Callie revealed and Phoebe looked excited.

"We're moving?" Phoebe asked.

"I sold your grandfathers house, and got enough to move here to New York and Gary found a teaching job here in the city." Callie explained and Phoebe smiled widely. Phoebe ran over and hugged her mom and Podcast looked heartbroken.

"But what about me?" Podcast asked.

"Well we talked to your parents and they've agreed to let you stay with us until you are old enough to get your own place." Callie responded.

"That's gonna be interesting considering Phoebe and Podcast are dating now." Trevor revealed and Callie looked surprised.

"I guess we'll have to keep an eye on you guys." Callie sighed and she turned to Gary but he was gone.

"Gary?" Callie asked and just then she saw Gary slide down the pole from upstairs and he finished sliding and let out a long sigh.

"That was amazing." Gary sighed...

Meanwhile Danny was researching things.

"I think I can figure out a way to crossover to their universe through the Ghost Zone." Danny said and then he turned to someone. "Because you can't stay here. You don't belong here man." It was Louis Tully and he had accidentally traveled to their universe.

"This kind of thing always happens to me. I'm just kind of used to it at this point. Even when I'm not involved with the Ghostbusters I get pulled into their problems." Louis sighed......

3 weeks later Phoebe was helping her Mom move stuff into the house when someone familiar walked up.

"Hey Phoebe." Danny said and she saw him and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Phoebe asked. "Wait, how did you get here?"

"We found a way. One of the Ghostbusters friends accidentally got into our world so we had to bring him back and we figured we could hang out for a bit." Danny said and Phoebe looked excited.

"PODCAST!!!" Phoebe shouted and Podcast ran down with a proton gun.

"What's wrong?!" Podcast yelled and Phoebe gently pushed the gun down.

"Danny and Sam came to visit." Phoebe responded.

"Well, while you're here," Trevor said as he was geared up to go fighting ghosts. "wanna help us take down a free floating torso down on 26th and 10th?" Trevor asked and Danny smirked.

"Might as well since I'm visiting, but after that we have to go back before we cause our worlds to entangle again." Danny replied.

"Yeah, we wont be able to fix it if it happens again." Phoebe laughed.

"So let's go bust some heads, in a spiritual sense of speaking." Podcast said.

Eventually Danny and Sam went back to their world for the day, but now that they found a bridge between worlds, the Ghostbusters and Danny team up every now and then, especially when things get a little out of hand. So whenever a ghost causes mayhem, the Ghostbusters are sure that they're gonna catch em all. 

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