Chapter 3: Interdimensional Melt

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Danny, Tucker, and Sam walked into Danny's home and Danny immediately went for the snacks as he recently kept getting hungry after every fight he had. Sam sat down on the couch and Tucker walked over to the bathroom and went to open it but it was locked. Tucker knocked on the door.

"NOT NOW!" Jazz shouted from the bathroom.

"Jazz come on, I gotta take a wiz." Tucker whined as he crossed his legs and Jazz slammed the door open.

"There's a bathroom upstairs, why could'nt you just use that instead!?" Jazz snapped and Tucker rolled his eyes.

"Because I didn't think I would make it up the stairs, now please move!" Tucker insisted and Jazz got out of the way and Tucker shut the door and went to the bathroom as he let out a long sigh of relief. "You know fighting ghosts really shakes the body."

"TMI Tucker, TMI." Sam sighed.

"What were you even doing in there, taking a pregnancy test?" Danny asked.

"Oh ha ha," Jazz mocked Danny. "For your information I was trying to play Bloody Mary and you interrupted me in the middle of the ritual."

"Jazz, I feel like if Bloody Mary were real, we would have ran into her by now. I mean, we've met Pandora, a Genie, a Box Ghost, and a Lunch Lady Ghost. If she really existed, we probably would have already fought her. Why would you want to summon her anyways, she literally murdered tons of children who were our age." Sam rained on Jazz's parade.

"You would'nt have ran into her if she was stuck in a mirror." Jazz pointed out.

"Yes we would have, Danny got stuck in a mirror in a locker and he didn't run into her there." Sam responded and Danny looked slightly interested.

"I mean technically the mirror I was stuck in mirrored the time in which the ghost haunting it was living, so if Bloody Mary DID exist her mirror realm would not be the same one as Sidney Poindexter. So if she's still trapped in a mirror somewhere, I guess it's entirely possible." Danny theorized.

"Still she shouldn't be summoning ghosts to come reaping havoc in our lives. I'm kind of tired of the universal threats at this point." Sam responded.

"Well if she's trapped in the mirror and she's been summoned a million times over the years, I doubt she's getting out any time soon." Danny replied and Sam looked to him and rolled her eyes.

"That game is a myth made up by children Danny. It's stupid." Sam shared her opinion on the matter and Danny nodded and then he sat down.

"You guys aren't as much fun as you used to be." Jazz sighed and then she went upstairs. Danny wasn't sure if the game was real or not, but the possibilities intrigued him just like they did with Phoebe Spengler in a not so far away universe........

Meanwhile in a dark mirror realm that lied just between the worlds of Danny Fenton and the Ghostbusters a dark and sinister force was lurking. She smirked as she looked at two orbs that were in front of her. A thousand mirrors were hanging up around her and the two in front of her showed Phoebe Spengler who was very interested and the other showed Danny Fenton who was as interested as Phoebe was.

"For centuries children have summoned me, calling out Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, playing a game with my endless prison of reflections, and FINALLY two spiritually sensitive ones that are only a world away from each other will break my curse by summoning me at the same time." Bloody Mary laughed as she watched Phoebe and Danny slipping away from their friends and going to the bathroom. Bloody Mary laughed evilly. "Soon it will be the reign of evil as two worlds come crashing together and meld into one. All the children will suffer because of the curiosity of two and their worlds will become mine." Blood Mary watched as all of the other mirrors started to shake and glow....

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