Chapter 4: Complicated Repercussions

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Skulker looked to Danny as he walked forward toward him.

"Why has Bloody Mary been unleashed from the mirror dimension in which we imprisoned her so long ago?" Skulker asked.

"Somehow...this girl, Phoebe and I accidentally released her by playing the Bloody Mary game, but in my defense, I thought it was harmless." Danny explained and Skulker looked genuinely angry.

"Well since you are officially an adult she is mainly harmless to you, but any child who is 17 and younger is at risk of becoming her victims. We imprisoned her so long ago because she was harming too many children even after death, and even us ghosts are against severely harming such innocent lives. We only fight you because your partially one of us. Your different. We may cause problems when we haunt, but when have we ever genuinely harmed anybody?" Skulker asked.

"Insightful." Ray stated as he listened.

"Well, we didn't do it on purpose, but I can promise you we're going to fix it. Now is there anything you can tell us that could help us?" Danny asked.

"Why would we help you when you're the reason she got out in the first place?" Ember snapped and Danny got shitty back with her.

"Because I'm the only person who can make sure she gets brought back to you guys to imprison her again considering everyone else her is completely human." Danny sneered and Ember rolled her eyes at him as Sam let out a laugh.

"She relies on reflections. Anything with a reflection can help save her from any attack you might unleash on her. She's dangerous, and if your younger she will try to use her powers on you and put you in an endless sleep that will never end until we imprison her once again." Skulker explained and Lucky raised an eyebrow.

"So it's not an endless sleep then?" Lucky asked.

"IT will be endless unless Daniel can get Bloody Mary back to us." Skulker corrected himself and Lucky nodded in understanding.

"Understood." Lucky stated.

"She has no weaknesses. There's only one way to defeat her, and that's if you can bring her to us. You start working on that and we'll start getting ready for her arrival." Skulker stated and then he and Ember left.

"Well that was interesting." Venkman sighed and then he looked to Danny. "So ghosts just come and go here and as a ghost hunter you don't look for a solution to that?"

"They're not hurting anybody so what solution even is there?" Danny responded and Venkman thought about it.

"I don't know, it's just in our world when a ghost is messing around where it doesn't belong, we get that ghost out of there and put it in our containment unit." Venkman explained.

"Containment unit?" Danny asked in confusion.

"Yeah." Ray replied. "Where do you put the ghosts who step out of line?"

"Back in their homes in the ghost dimension. Why? Where do you put them?" Danny asked.

"Like we said, in a containment unit, which is basically a prison for ghosts." Winston explained.

"That's terrible!" Sam shouted. "They didn't do anything wrong!"

"To be fair, they didn't do anything right either." Venkman responded.

"You do realize that these ghosts were people too once. They're just doing what people do best, which is walk around places and visit places. How would you feel if someone arrested you for going to a store just because they didn't want to see you there and you got life in prison?" Tucker asked and Ray, Venkman, and Winston thought about it.

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