Chapter 6: Assumptions Are Rarely Accurate

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Everybody was setting up in the middle of town as Podcast looked nervous and Phoebe looked highly worried for him.

"You really don't have to do this, you know? You don't have to prove anything." Phoebe sighed. "You'll always be a Ghostbuster to me."

"I know, but if I can handle a bunch of possessed Marshmallow men, I think I'll be ok." Podcast responded and Phoebe let out a sigh of slight frustration.

"I just...." Phoebe started to say and Ray and Venkman were listening in to the conversation as they knew Phoebe was having a hard time. Danny was also listening in somewhat as he felt terrible for her.

"What's up?" Podcast asked and Phoebe looked away and shook her head.

"I don't know." Phoebe sighed and Podcast stood up and walked over to her.

"I'll be alright Phoebe. You know me. We fought Muncher together, we fought Gozer, Zuul, and Vince Clartho, so I believe that we're going to kick Bloody Mary's butt. I mean, I've got the best Ghostbuster around defending me, so what do I have to worry about?" Podcast asked and Phoebe let out a sigh.

"But the only reason they came out of retirement is because of Gozer to begin with. How are they going to protect you?" Phoebe asked as she was clearly worried about him.

"I wasn't talking about Ray, Venkman, or Winston." Podcast said and Phoebe looked confused. "I was talking about you." Podcast said this and Danny smirked. Venkman got up and was about to argue and Ray gently grabbed him and Venkman looked at him and shook his head.

"But I couldn't even stop Gozer on my own." Phoebe sighed unsurely.

"Well even Superman needed the Justice League, just like the Ghostbusters need you." Podcast was clearly trying to share his feelings and Phoebe wasn't catching the full drift of what he was saying.

"They don't need me. I needed them to train me." Phoebe pointed out and Podcast let out a sigh of frustration.

"Pheebs will you just take the compliment I'm trying to give you and see that I'm just trying to tell you how much I admire and trust you, instead of pointing out the logic at every single point?" Podcast asked and Phoebe thought about it for a minute as she wasn't sure what she was feeling.

"Thanks, I guess." Phoebe sighed and then she started walking away.

"Alright, we're ready to execute this plan." Ray stated as he changed the subject. Phoebe saw Podcast get up as he was ready to make the sacrifice and be the human bait and Phoebe ran over and hugged him. Soon they parted and Phoebe looked unsure of why she did it.

" careful, and if you think we're failing, please don't be a hero. Just run." Phoebe requested and Podcast smirked and nodded.

"Anything for you Pheebs." Podcast said as he smiled at her and she nodded and then stepped back.

Everybody took their stations as they tried to act natural and Podcast stepped in front of his reflection in the evening light as he stared into a glossy building window. Podcast held a candle and then took a deep breath in and let it out.

"Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary." Podcast said and for a moment nothing happened. Podcast looked nervous as he stood there and the night was eerily silent. Then out of nowhere the candle blew out on its own and a dark demented laugh echoed through the air.

"You children are all the same. Summoning spirits without any regard for the consequences that your actions may hold." The haunting female voice laughed and Podcast slowly turned around as he couldn't see anything in the reflection and as he turned around he saw the terrifying spirit of Bloody Mary who looked strangely solid and alive for someone who was dead. She held a staff that had blood running down it like a fountain.

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