Chapter 2: Playing Games

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Ray was teaching the kids about the Protective Grid where they store the ghosts at and everybody was eating the last of their pizza. Venkman was taking a nap at the desk. Winston was reading a magazine. Ray was mid sentence.

"And when the light is green, the trap is clean." Ray explained and then he saw Venkman. "PETE!" Venkman woke up and looked around.

"What?" Venkman asked as he came to and Ray shook his head.

"If you could stay awake for more than 5 minutes that'd be great." Ray snapped and Venkman sighed.

"Why does it matter? I was just resting my eyes Ray." Venkman responded as he started to dose off.

"Peter! Out of respect for the kids, the next generation of Ghostbusters, come on man." Ray sighed and Venkman woke up and got to his feet.

"Yeah. Absolutely. We have to respect the children because I believe the children are our future. Mariah Carey sang it best." Venkman replied.

"That's Whitney Houston man. Get it right. Don't disrespect the legend." Winston corrected Venkman and Venkman waved his hand showing that he didn't care as he walked over to the mirror and started looking at himself, making sure he didn't drool on himself. Just then the phone started to ring and Ray walked over and answered it.

"Hello, Ghostbusters office." Ray sighed. "Uh-huh, yeah....absolutely, we charge a rate based on an multiple factors, but it never really goes higher than 3000 for the whole situation nowadays. We do have payment plans available if you need it though. Oh you don't, good. We'll be right over." Ray said and he hung up. "Ok, you kids have a good night. Lights out at 9 pm." Ray said and then Phoebe butted in.

"Oh come on can't we go with you?" Phoebe begged and Ray shook his head.

"No we need to train your kids properly. We promised your Mom." Ray responded.

"Well you can't legally leave minors here." Lucky pointed out. "By ourselves." Lucky pointed out.

"You two are almost legal." Ray added. "You can watch the younger ones."

"We already fought Gozer, how hard can this be?" Trevor added and Ray looked to Venkman and then Winston.

"What do you say fellas?" Ray asked and Winston shrugged and then Venkman nodded in agreement.

"I think they'll be just fine. Heck when we started out we didn't even know how to work the equipment. The only one who did was Egon. So they're already a step up from that." Venkman pointed out and Ray nodded.

"Ok, but you are not to go and wonder off on your own. You're to be with an adult at all times. Alright, let's suit up Ghostbusters." Ray said and then they all started to walk off but Ray and Venkman stood together. "Well.."

"You said stay with an adult at all times." Venkman said.

"I meant the kids." Ray snapped and Venkman nodded.

"Oh. Yeah that makes more sense." Venkman said and then he checked himself one more time in the mirror. He licked his thumb, and then walked away. As everybody left the room a darkness was lurking from within the mirror and from that darkness an evil female face appeared as it watched the team and then it slowly disappeared as it laughed evilly.........

Danny, Sam, and Tucker were fighting the Lunch Lady Ghost in the cafeteria at the high school. They were working together the best they could as mystery meat was flying in all directions and hitting them in the face.

"DANNY DO SOMETHING!!!" Sam shouted as she tried to avoid the meat tsunami.

"Like what?!" Danny yelled and Tucker let out a chuckle.

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