Kevin 11

470 15 14

New York City No POV

The Tennysons were in a 4 star hotel as Gwen was looking at a brochure of the place.

Gwen: wow, this hotel has everything indoor pool, full day spa-

Max: now don't get used to it. It's only for one night.

Wade: as long as we get to sight see a little, I don't care.

Ben saw a closed off area that said Sumo Slammers as he got excited and went towards it.

Ben; the new Sumo Slammers video game is in there!

A security guard, the suit and tie kind, stopped him.

Guard: pass?

Ben:<checks his pockets> uhh, must've left it inside. I'm one of the game pro's testing out the system.

Guard: VIP's only.

Ben went back to his family.

Max: I know what you're thinking, so no sneaking back in there.

Ben: I won't.

Max: Wade, watch him.

Wade: sure thing.

Max and Gwen went towards the elevator as Ben activated the Omnitrix but Wade grabbed his arm and lifted him up.

Ben: hey!

Wade: Grandpa said no, Ben. You're gonna get us kicked out of the hotel.

Ben: I won't. Nobody will notice.

Wade: with your luck, how much you cheer when playing a video game, and how constantly you get caught doing something you're not supposed to, allow me to doubt the words coming out of your mouth.

Ben: Wade, please!

Wade: Ben, grandpa payed a night in this hotel already, I'm pretty sure these places are the types to not give a refund. He put me in charge of you, and if you get in trouble then I get in trouble. So please, just stay-

Ben raised his hand and slammed the core of the Omnitrix as Wade felt himself hold nothing as he caught a glimpse of Ben as Ghost Freak going past the guard in a semi-transparent form.

Wade: oh I'm so dead.

Ben went over to the Sumo Slammers game set up.

Ben: the ultimate sneak attack got the ghost with the most freak.

Max stopped himself from pressing the up button from even calling the elevator. As he just knew that Wade failed to stop Ben.

He was right when Ben was cheering for earning the high score of 500,000.

Ben:<already timed out> yes! New high score.

Guard:<grabs his shoulder> what do you got to say for yourself, kid?

Ben: uhh, game over?

Small Timeskip

It wasn't too long that the Tennysons were kicked out as the guard threw Wade's luggage to Wade and he caught it.

Guard: and never come back. <goes back inside>

Wade: that was a little harsh for a video game.

Max: Wade, I'll deal with you later. <looks at Ben> I told you not to sneak in there.

Ben: well, if you want to get all technical about it.

Gwen: I never even got a chance to take a shower in a real shower, for the first time all summer. Plus, they had a spa. A spa! Nice going, doofus.

Wade: what's so special about a spa?

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