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(Geno's POV)
Recently I had moved into Lakewood's Willow, a nice town with a perfect place to start a new life

I moved here because of three reasons, 1. I'm looking for a job, 2. Online School Study is hard and I need easy access to many sites to which Lakewood has many, and 3. To start a new life for me

There is a School a few blocks away from my new apartment, a supermarket, a mini mall, and whatnot

And speaking of apartment, the place is decent and very clean, except for my pile of boxes...

I open a box that's labeled as 'Important Items', mom probably did this one

The box is filled with my old stuff as well as my photo album, I flip through its pages seeing all the photos we've taken

Just then, my phone began buzzing. I pick it up and answered seeing the caller as 'mom'

--------------------In the Call--------------------

CQ: "Hey honey, how's it going? Is the apartment okay for you? Do you need help unpacking? Have you eaten yet?"

A smile appear on my face as I chuckle a little bit, I place the box down picking up another box

Geno: "Hey mom, I'm fine, really. Everything's okay here so far, and the apartment is just perfect. No need to worry about me mom, just look after Error and Fresh, I got this"

I can hear mom sighing on the other side of the call. I open the box and took out what's inside

CQ: "Alright dear, I'm just worried something will happen to you and I'm not there. Just be safe, okay?"

Geno: "I will mom, geez. No need to worry"

CQ: "Right- Error no! Give me back my phone!"

I hear mom's distant yelling as a door closes, I laugh at this. I then took another box to empty it

Geno: "Hey there buddy! How's it going?"

Error: "Why in the name of chocolate did you leave?!"

I can hear Error's annoyed voice as I stack boxes together

Geno: "Aww, I'm sorry Error but I had to. I need to start my own life and-"

Error: "But did you have to leave? Fresh won't stop crying ever since you left-"

Error was suddenly cut off and I hear Fresh's voice. I took out some decorations mom had put in one of my boxes and set it aside

Fresh: "No I didn't"

Error: "Shut up!"

This made me chuckle

Geno: "You sure Fresh is the one who cried? And not you?"

I teased as I try to organize my box mess

Error: "W-What makes you think that?! Of course I didn't cry, I'm a big boy!"

Geno: "Sure~"

Error: "It's true! I-"

I placed a box down and just then, I can hear the closed door burst open and mom's voice yelling

CQ: "Error give me that!"

Error: "H-Hey! But mom, I wasn't done talking to Geno yet!!"

I pulled a big box to which I do not know what's inside, then the call had gone silent and I can hear stomping fading in the distance, probably from Error

CQ: "I'm sorry about that honey, I hope he didn't give you any problem"

I heard mom's voice again as I open the box seeing some of my old clothes and whatnot

Geno: "It's fine mom, I'm pretty sure he just misses me and doesn't want to admit it"

CQ: "He sure does, I think we bothered you long enough sweetheart. Call us back okay?"

Geno: "Sure thing mom, bye"

I hang up and look at the mess I made. Well this might take a while, good thing today's a holiday and tomorrow is the weekend

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