Chapter 10 Callous Act

Start from the beginning

"Musutafu Police Department got your sketch from Uehara's testimony. Tsukauchi managed to pull one of the copies and handed it to me. The whole police is looking for the vigilante that is responsible for his confession, and I don't think that they could hand you a gift basket." Masamori explains pointing over to the picture.

Izuku placed the sketch on the table and read over the confession transcript, "So why they haven't announced it on the news?"

"Because the police are understaffed to be handling a case like this. Tsukauchi himself is trying to steer the heat away from the brass of your involvement. But once the media got the wind of it or the heroes can handle their own, you're gonna be looking at the whole Japan heroes hunting you down." Masamori went on to explain knowing that Izuku's window was starting to get small because they were sighting him.

If Masamori had to be honest, he didn't expect that the police would catch wind of Izuku this early on. He thought that they would start to suspect him after a few weeks or months but to be this early is gonna be dangerous for him.

"Anyway, you got your next assignment for today." Masamori handed him another file with a middle-aged man with short brown hair, "Hoga Ryota. A corrupt businessman who is responsible for drug trafficking. Owns a couple of ports in Kawasaki and is rumored that he's been taking bribes from the Mexican Cartel."

"Drugs?" Izuku perked.

"Methamphetamine. Or commonly known as meth. It began to hit the street in the last couple of weeks." a picture of the blue crystal meth is placed on the small plastic bag from the evidence locker.

"The police had built a case ready to arrest this man. But the key witness, Aika Okano had been killed two nights ago. She's the key witness that ties the whole case together. Without her, the case is as good as lost." a picture of a young woman with the name of Aika Okano shows with a red label of deceased on it.

Izuku examined the picture and swapped it with the autopsy report made by the forensic. A single gunshot was made at the temple of her head. The entry wound is coming from the back of her head.

"You think the cartel is responsible for her death?" Izuku asked.

"I think the cartel pulled the trigger, but the order must come from Ryota himself. He's the only one who wanted her dead more than anyone else in this case. The problem is there's no connection between the cartel and Ryota." Masamori went to explain.

"Smuggling a drug that size using a company such as Ryota scale would require a great amount of transaction. No shell corporation? Wire transfer? Or even an offshore account?" Izuku looked at his profile and found zero information relating him to the cartel.

"Nada. He doesn't even have any known associates from Mexico or even North America. The guy itself doesn't ever enter or taste Mexican food for his life." Masamori groans in exhaustion.

Izuku then looked over to the paper scattered on the coffee table. He had to admit that the upside of having NSC members is that they could pull personal files easily within thirty minutes top. From surveillance to known associates or even the side business and its money trail. All of them are written in a detailed manner.

He checked over the document and spotted a tattoo on one of the guards that guarded his car. The photo shows a man standing with his arms crossed behind his back wearing sunglasses in broad daylight.

"Found our guy." Izuku points to a photo of the bodyguard.

"You sure?" Masamori asked.

"Absolutely. See the Roman number tattoo on his neck side?" he points his index finger to the guard's head indicating on his neck, "One of the cartel members used that same tattoo as an insignia to their member."

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