Chapter 9 Uehara Choice

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Nezu is sitting at his desk reviewing the report made by Aizawa and Vlad to each of their class respectively. The principal let out a tiny sigh as he adjusted the documents on his desk, arranging them to be neat. Since the third-year students had the day off because of the upcoming final exam test, he got a chance to work on the upcoming exam each hero course was taking in their second year, a training exercise that would determine if the students would be eligible to work on their own without the need of a hero watching over them.

Nezu knows that the second year is one of the crucial points where the heroes have to learn to work all by themself not by teams or groups. He knows perfectly well that heroes can't operate on their own and have to do jobs with the other agency. But they also have to understand that after they graduate, they need to be able to stand on their own two feet without someone to guide them along their way.

He read over the report made by the two homeroom teachers, especially the class B report with Izuku who's responsible for teaching the Heroics and he finds himself quite satisfied with his agenda. On the first day of the class, he decided to cover the base of quirkless training which is sometimes been forgotten since they thought it wasn't important or necessary these days.

Sure the training itself involved the class having to get physical to put it kindly but Nezu who saw the result of the training felt like it was worth it. After hearing from Vlad that Izuku decided for the class to find their own unique battle style involving a quirkless fight, he couldn't be more satisfied.

He had no doubt that Vlad's class was more than capable of passing this year's exam with flying colors if they continued to train under Izuku's guidance. It's safe to say that he was proud of their achievements, being sure to always praise them for their work and how well done their marks were.

While he thought of the words he could tell Izuku, there was a sudden knock on the door of the teacher's lounge. Nezu looked up, blinking in confusion, and replied that the door was open. And suddenly, Toshinori came looking pissed and red almost like someone had just humiliated him. Nezu internally groaned thinking that he made a mistake and made a mental note that he should installed a surveillance camera right in front of his office before opening the door.

"Nezu sir, what is the meaning of this?!" Toshinori barged in with his face resembled a bull ready to charge over a red object at his first sight.

"I'm afraid you're gonna have to be a little bit more specific with what you're meant. I run the entire school after all." Nezu replied not taking his eyes off the report.

Toshinori slammed Nezu's desk out in anger, "I'm talking about that Homira or whatever his name is. He's disrespecting a member of staff, teaching violence against the class, and aggravated assault. I meant..... there has to be some mistake with his employment there."

Nezu's forehead began to tick in an annoyed manner hearing him talking over and over and he slammed his paw over to his desk to silence the skeleton man in front of him.

"Thank you, now that you've finished lodging your complaint like some desperate housewife, let me explain myself. His name is Homura Jin and he's the new Heroic Teacher for Class B."

"But why did he have to be teaching the class? I'm the Heroic Teacher for the second year also." Toshinori asked trying to find out his employment reasons."

"Let me remind you that your first job in the first place is the Heroic Teacher for the first year students. Which involves not only class A but class B also." Nezu explained and Toshinori almost felt like choking himself knowing just how big he screwed up.

"Apparently, you're so busy teaching the next generation of heroes that you forgot that the hero students are separated between two classes instead not only one. But I guess the number one hero schedule is pretty busy at the time right? With your patrol only three hours a day, signing autographs in some convention, and private training for your daughter, you must have it hard right?" Nezu asked in a sarcastic tone glaring at Toshinori's sunken eyes.

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