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I don't know for how long I've been sitting in my bathroom but no muscle in my body is ready to move , i close my eyes and try to think about some good things , maybe this way I'll feel better but my mind takes me back to tonight's event , the moment he gripped my hand i lost my mind not only i was angry but him griping me from behind made soo much memories come back to my mind , i was on the verge of a panic attack but thankfully his voice reached my brain somehow, i know i might have overreacted in the moment but there's no going back now all i could do is to predict his next move , he is not someone to sit back and take the insult, I cannot just sit and wait for him to damage my business more than he has already done , felling motivated i gathered the courage to stand up and look myself in mirror, what i see does not scare me anymore some days are bad or worse and I'll count this among those .

I wash my face and remove all my makeup & jewellery. After getting freshened up i changed into my nightwear , tucking myself safely into my bed I wait for sleep to come maybe just maybe I'll find some peace there .

On my way to the office i think about all the ways i can stop manik , he has already snatched so many deals I can't let him do any further, his words from yesterday play in my mind , why do he want me ??? Why me ??? I haven't even meet him before this and he comes out suddenly announcing he wants me , i need to dig a little deeper into him . Deciding that i take out my cell and message my most trusted IT guy to do the work for me .

l enter the private lift with nidhi telling me my schedule for today .
When she's done she hands me the coffee mug . The lift door opens and i enter my office with nidhi on my tail, the moment i open the door my eyes wide , mouth open with shock not knowing how to react to this.

There are approx hundreds of white roses entirely covering my desk, i turn to look at nidhi waiting for an explanation.

"mam someone dropped them just 20 minutes ago saying they were for you and meant to be kept here inside your office " she says with a fake smile on her face

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"mam someone dropped them just 20 minutes ago saying they were for you and meant to be kept here inside your office " she says with a fake smile on her face.

"and you decided it would be a good idea to shock me rather than telling me beforehand" god how am I surviving with these bunch of idiots.

"No mam i was about to" i cut her off

"Out now " I don't want to hear anymore excuse. Once i hear the click of the door shutting i walk towards my desk, keeping my bag and phone aside i slowly touch the bouquet, every rose is beautifully kept with perfection, I don't know who send them but they are absolutely beautiful, a smile makes it way to my face my best bet is ma and baba they left before i woke up so they must have send me these to make sure I'm not sad alone . I search for anything for a hint and find a note kept carefully between the flowers.

All the happiness i felt moments ago vanishes in thin air after reading the note.

" We'll meet soon again little Leona"

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