The Battle in the Chamber

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„The diary," said Harry. „Yes," said Riddle. „My diary. Little Aishi's been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes-how she gets teased about her late parents, even tell her happiest moments.... "- Riddle's eyes glinted „How she didn't think her best friends Harry Potter would ever like like her as she slowly fell in love with the brave boy..."

All the time he spoke, Riddle's eyes never left Harry's face. There was an almost hungry look in them. „It's very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of a twelve-year-old girl," he went on. „But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Aishi simply loved me. You like a brother who can share my worries without anyone getting hurt or worried, Bau Tom... I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in... It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket..." Riddle laughed, a high, cold laugh that didn't suit him. It made the hairs stand up on the back of Harry's neck. „If I say it myself, Harry, I've always been able to charm the people I needed. So Aishi poured out her soul to me, and her soul happened to be exactly what I wanted... I grew stronger and stronger on a diet of her deepest fears, her darkest secrets. I grew powerful, far more powerful than little Miss Merha. Powerful enough to start feeding Miss Merha a few of my secrets, to start pouring a little of my soul back into her...however something in her magic brought this split as you can see. That pathetic side of me over there became her older brother more and tried to stop me from trying to use her more."

„What d'you mean?" said Harry getting angrier. „Haven't you guessed yet, Harry Potter?" said Dark! Riddle softly. „Aishi Merha opened the Chamber of Secrets. She strangled the school roosters and daubed threatening messages on the walls. She set the Serpent of Slytherin on four Mudbloods, and the Squib's cat. The pureblood was an unexpected victim" „No," Harry whispered. " You controlled her like a puppet!!"

„Yes," said Riddle, calmly. „Of course, she didn't know what she was doing at first. It was very amusing. I wish you could have seen her new diary entries... far more interesting, they became... Dear Tom," he recited, watching Harry's horrified face, „I think I'm losing my memory. There are rooster feathers all over my robes and I don't know how they got there. Dear Tom, I can't remember what I did on the night of Halloween, but a cat was attacked and I've got paint all down my front. Dear Tom, Hari keeps telling me I'm pale and I'm not myself. I think he suspects me... There was another attack today and I don't know where I was. Tom, what am I going to do? I think I'm going mad... I think I'm the one attacking everyone, Tom!"

Harry's fists were clenched, the nails digging deep into his Palms. His eyes glowed more dangerously.„It took a very long time for stupid little Aishi to stop trusting her diary as my other self broke my control and told her to hide the diary far away" said, Dark Riddle. „But she tried to dispose of it. And that's where you came in, Harry. You found it, and I couldn't have been more delighted. Of all the people who could have picked it up, it was you, the very person I was most anxious to meet..."

„And why did you want to meet me?" said Harry. Anger was coursing through him, and it was an effort to keep his voice steady. „Well, you see, Aishi told me all about you, Harry," said Dark Riddle. „Your whole fascinating history." His eyes roved over the lightning scar on Harry's forehead, and their expression grew hungrier. „I knew I must find out more about you, talk to you, meet you if I could. So I decided to show you my famous capture of that great oaf, Hagrid, to gain your trust-"

„Hagrid's my friend," said Harry, his voice filled with venom. „And you framed him, didn't you? I thought you made a mistake, but-" Dark Riddle laughed his high laugh again. „It was my word against Hagrid's, Harry. Well, you can imagine how it looked to old Armando Dippet. On the one hand, Tom Riddle, poor but brilliant, parentless but so brave, school prefect, model student... on the other hand, big, blundering Hagrid, in trouble every other week, trying to raise werewolf cubs under his bed, sneaking off to the Forbidden Forest to wrestle trolls... but I admit, even I was surprised how well the plan worked. I thought someone must realize that Hagrid couldn't possibly be the Heir of Slytherin. It had taken me five whole years to find out everything I could about the Chamber of Secrets and discover the secret entrance... as though Hagrid had the brains or the power!

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