(28) Work

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I listened intently as Tweek told me about the terms and what I was going to do, you know, adult things. After, he handed me a uniform which I quickly put on.

It was just juniper colored pants, a white shirt, a green apron, along with a cap that had the 'Tweek Bros. Coffee' imprinted into it. Tweek also gave me a name tag that had my name in it. Cool.

Not going to lie, I looked snazzy in this. I was lucky that I wasn't forced to wear some booty shorts or some really short skirt just because I was a girl.

I tied my hair up in neat pig-tails as I came out of the bathroom for employees only. Tweek smiles as he saw how the outfit looked on me.

"I'm going to introduce you to the others," Tweek said, as he pulled me out of the employees room. "Actually, you might know them already, right? I-It's just Craig and his sister."

"Tricia is his sister right?," I asked, Tweek quickly confirms,"Yeah."

"Since you're new here, you'll just be putting together the orders while Tricia will be the cashier and Craig will be in the kitchen."

I nod. I wasn't too nervous about working since I've worked before, which was at a ice cream parlor.

One thing I got from that experience was the fear of not getting paid. My bum got beat when my dad found out.

I walk out to my part of the booth. It wasn't long before customers began to come in.

Just like Tweek said, I just had to put orders together that Craig had made beforehand and then call people's numbers. It was real easy.

*Bell sounds...*

As I was organizing up a order, I see someone place their hand in front of me at the corner of my eye.

"What do you need?," I ask out of instinct. The person stays silent, so I sigh mentally and look up at them.

And surprise, surprise, it was Clyde. I haven't seen him in a while. "Hey Marj."

Clyde stood strong and tall above me, smiling. I noticed that he was wearing a sports jacket. "Did you just come back from sports?"

"Yup," He answers cockily.

Craig soon hears us talking and comes over to greet us. "Hey dude." They do some sort of handshake, or 'dabbing each other up.'

I move to the side as to not interfere with their conversation. As I do, I bump into Tricia, who narrows her eyes at me before speaking,"Ugh, boys are so weird."

As much as I wanted to retort something back, I just nod. "Yeah, for sure."

I look back at the two boys, seeing they were doing some gestures with their hands. Clyde was making a mischievous face while thrusting his finger through a hole that his hand formed. What were they doing?

"And also, the boys love to slack off," she points out, frowning. "God, it's like every one of them is ret-"

(we don't say that here folks! I might get canceled for it. ;-;)

"Hey you blondie, could you tell Craig to get back to work before my brother-in-law-.. I mean, Tweek chews our heads off after work."

"Oh, alright.." I suspire in exhaustion as I head over to Craig once again.

".. You mean ...Marj..?" I hear faintly as I do. Wait, was that my name I hear?

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