(8) Freaky Deeky, Are we?

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If you know this line (from a YouTuber on YT) used for the title.. I love you bro 😔


"Kenny, do you at least have a medkit? Somewhere?" Stan asked, while he glanced at me.

"I dunno.. I think I do?"

"Ugh, why did we go here again? It smells like ass." Cartman commented, covering his nose.

Kenny said mockingly, "How do you know what ass smells like?" Cartman was about to say a comeback but Kyle stopped them.

"Guys, this is serious." Kyle said, frowning. He points to Kenny. "And Kenny, go find a freaking medkit. Now." He commanded, making Kenny roll his eyes.

"OK mom." Kyle ignored his remark, continued to put pressure on the wound so I would apparently stop bleeding.

There was a awkward silence after. Kenny searched through his messy wardrobe and soon went out to check his musty bathroom. The only sounds that could be heard were the loud texting from Stan's phone.

"But really guys, why the hell did we come here? This place might even give Majorine a sickness of some sort while we're at it." Cartman brought up again, making Kyle sigh.

"Because my parents would kill me. Literally." Kyle answered in a monotone voice.

The two then looked at Stan for his answer, but he wasn't paying attention due to him being on his phone.

"Stan." Kyle snapped his fingers and raised his voice, making Stan jump slightly.

He spouted, "Jesus Christ dude!" Stan put his hand on his heart to indicate how much Kyle scared him.

Cartman repeated the question again for Stan. "Oh that? My parents would ground me for life. Especially if my mom finds out. They would take away my phone and then Wendy will go back to thinking that I don't love her anymore just because I don't text her back." He explained, clearly annoyed when he mentioned their relationship.

"What about you Cartman?"

"Well, my mom would send me back to therapy." He said in a fake jolly voice.

Kyle chuckles. "As you should." Cartman scoffs. "Shut up."

"Found it!" Kenny held a bag full of medical supplies.

"Finally!" Stan said, relieved.

"There's just one problem.. Who knows how to apply bandages?" Kyle asked, he looked at everyone with a serious look. Like expected, everyone was silent.

"Patching someone up can't be THAT hard right?"


If you thought they would spend hours just putting medication on someone, they didn't. Well.. Kinda. They spent an hour aiding Majorine. Adding..... I don't know, medication and then bandages? Hey, I'm no doctor so you can't blame me for getting some information wrong!

Time-skip to now, where the three left 43 minutes ago. Leaving Majorine with Kenny.

MJ's POV still

I stayed silent, due to the fact I still felt drowsy from the pain. A small towel was on my head, soaking up the blood. Kenny's parka was on me, since his blanket was shitty so his parka had to be used as one.

How come I always end up with Kenny at the end of the day?

Kenny went out while I stayed here to rest. Well, I did rest for a few minutes sure, but it's hard to sleep because of the noises outside. People talking, loud music, just obnoxious noises.

- Love, Butters.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ