(13) Definitely not a Date (pt.1)

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Author's note once again.. lol.

So I've officially decided to not include my OCs in the story anymore. I made this story before or during summer which was when I was in my "let's put my OCs into everything!" phase. Deeply sorry about that. Especially for the people who just start to read the fanfic. Like 10 chapters of them?! God dam. It was supposed to revolve Majorine and Kenny but instead I think I got too into it and made it more about them AND Majorine. So Uhm.. sorry about that... AGAIN.
Also congrats to myself for making one of my first longest fanfics ever. Yippee! (nonexistent clapping in the background)

Anyway, let's start the chapter now.

After meeting up at the school entrance, Majorine had asked Kenny if he could show her around town. Since it has been a week since she had arrived. And of course, Kenny agreed.

Kenny had already shown a few shops, restaurants, homes, and other irrelevant stuff that relate to the story. The small town, South Park, had improved way more from when they were younger. There were some apartments, a few more schools, more restaurants, more houses, more people, and yeah. More stuff. It was doing better than before I guess.
Kenny's POV ye.

The day was going well for us two. Majorine was.. interesting to talk to.

Though, she always seems nervous. I don't really know if she's like this or everyone or she just likes me.

I try not to come too close since I'm sure she still doesn't forgive me for the situation that happened 2 or 3 days ago. I was hoping at least make it up to her by getting her something as we walk through.

"Hey uhm. Kenny. Do you happen to know where the.. Ahem... Apartments are?" Majorine asks suddenly.

I nod. "Yeah, just across the street. Why'd you ask?"

"My uncle Joe talks about them a lot back at my.. House." Majorine answers, looking up at me with a serious look.

"Maybe we should hang by there later."

"About that. Haha... My parents are quite strict and don't really like visitors too much." Majorine grins shyly.

"Yeah. I get that. My friend was kinda like that too. When his father wasn't around." I chuckle to myself, Majorine's baby blue eyes staring at me.

"Yep.. Just like me."

"Anyway, let's get a move on! You said you wanted to check out the apartments right?" I said enthusiastically, surprising Majorine slightly.

"You said it was just across the block right?" Majorine asked, suddenly wearing a mischievous smile. I nod slowly.

"Race you there! Last one there is a rotten egg!~" Majorine dashed past me before I could say anything. Damn, she was fast. But she wasn't too fast.

I started running, it wasn't too long before I caught up to her. Majorine wasn't that easy to bypass though, as soon as she saw me behind her she hastened her pace. I did too.

In the end, Majorine had probably won. We couldn't really tell since at the end we kind of tied, but I gave her the win anyway.

We both gasped for air as we continued walking over the few blocks that we had to pass before arriving.

"That was fun." Majorine nodded as her legs wobbled from all the running

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