(23) (pt.1) Detective Marjorine

430 18 24

I gotta say, I was pretty nervous doing this kind of thing. Last time I played detective, I almost died.. And found out my dad was gay.

This time, it's for Kenny. I'm just doing a lil favor for him.. A weird one at that.

I mean, 'ask Wendy and Kyle about Stan's mental health and record it' is a really weird request... But who am I to judge? Especially Kenny.

The more I thought about it, the more harder it seemed.

As Butters, it would probably been easier since everyone knew me. I knew Kyle and Wendy better.

Marjorine although, was a different case. She was mostly seen as the new girl who was weird and awkward. Even to this day, none of the girls still didn't want to even look at me.

But hey, there's always that one phrase telling you that you won't know until you try.. right..?


"Excuse me?"

"Have you noticed things that Stan does that he doesn't usually do?"

Kyle looked at me doubtfully. "Why do you want to know?" He asked, making me feel squeamish.

"Oh well, you know.." I stutter out, not knowing what to answer. ".. Uhm... I was just curious..?" Kyle cocked an eyebrow.

The redhead sighs. "Did Cartman put you up to this? If he did, tell him to go fuck himself. If not, my answer is no."

I grumble, "Aw.." Then Kyle sighed for a second time.

"I mean.." He mutters uncertainly. Unsure whether he should say what he had to say. Kyle thinks for a moment. Glancing around at me and everywhere/one else.

Then, Kyle suddenly brings himself to my ear. "I have noticed Stan has been behaving strangely lately too." Kyle said in a low tone, making the hair on the back of my neck stand.

He continues, "I'm not completely convinced, but.." I rub my knuckles together, anxious to hear what Kyle was going to say next. ".. MAYBE, I could tell you some things if you tell ME why you want to know."

"Yes, okay!" I agreed almost immediately.

Kyle finally gives some space between us, looking at me expectantly. I tilt my head in confusion, not getting what he wanted me to do.

"Well? Do you have a reason?"

"OH..!" My mind went blank.

Kyle sighs. "Seriously, dude.." He mutters to himself. I scratch the back of head shyly.

"Whoever made you do this or whatever, tell them to ask me themselves. Not you." Kyle says in a demanding tone. I nod instantly.

Kyle quickly reverts back to his normal self. "If that's all, I'll be taking my leave."

Well, that didn't go as planned..

Hopefully, it'll end up better with Wendy.

I take out my phone, and search for her contact. When I finally do, I quickly text her this:

MJ: helo?

I waited a moment for an answer. It didn't take long for her to reply back.

Wendy: You called?
(More like texted)

MJ: lol
u busy rn btw?

- Love, Butters.Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα