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The Date was set. All you could do was hope that it wasn't a trap. In the last few days the meetings became more common. Each time you showed up there was a clear look of concern and slight disappointment, each time you arrived with a beating heart.

Rosaria would always send you away the moment they started asking about you. It was annoying and stressed you out. You knew they were talking about you but you didn't know any specifics.
The one time you did overhear a little it was about your humanity. You heard statements such as.

"It's dangerous"

"She won't survive"

"If you won't I will"

All these statements were quickly shut down by Rosaria. It seemed that you nor anyone else could understand her reasoning for keeping you alive.

You sat anxiously in the cabin, tonight everything would change. Rosaria sat by your side, she picked up on your worry carefully wrapping an arm around you pulling your body close.

"Nervous?", she asked

Leaning into her touch you gave her nod.

"I am too . But I know that it'll all work out", she continued. You could tell she was trying to reassure you, with very little success.

"How can you know Rosaria?", your voice was shaky filled with anxiety. How could she be so sure. Her tomorrow wasn't guaranteed. Your tomorrow wasn't guaranteed.

She was silent for a moment
Pulling you in closer once more she placed a kiss on top of your head as she ran a comforting hand up and down your back.
"Because I have someone to come home to. I have someone to protect. I have a reason to keep living Y/N", she explained. You relaxed in her embrace, before she suddenly shifted away from you releasing you from her arms.

"Well if things don't work out. There's something I want to ask".

"Y/N. I feel like I've known you for a lifetime and in our time spent together I've felt more alive than when I was alive", the speech was nice but the action followed made your heart drop.

"And that's why I ask you Y/N L/N to spend forever with me and marry me", dropping to one knee she pulled out a small velvet box revealing a ring inside.

You couldnt believe what was happening.

"Yes. Yes of course I will", upon hearing your answer Rosaria lifted you off your feet placing a kiss on your lips. You couldn't believe what just happened. She actually just proposed, you dreamt of this but you never expected it to happen so soon you'd isn't mind of course.

"If anything happens tomorrow I wanted you to know how much I loved you", she explained gently stroking your cheek with her thumb.

"I'll make sure nothing happens. I have to come back to my wife to be", she continued noticing your brief concern.

"You better come back Rosaria", you replied placing a kiss on her lips once more. Her cool touch sending shivers down your spine.

"And I have one more promise for you Y/N", she pulled away for a moment bringing her lips to your ear.

"I promise when this over. We can spend forever together", she whispered. Pulling away from her slightly uou shot her look of curiousity. Was she saying what you thought she was?

"If that's what you still want", she continued.

"Of course Rosaria. Im ready for a forever with you", you continued. She was suggesting what you thought she was. Wrapping your arms around her once more keeping her in the right embrace.
You still couldn't believe this was happening. Now your forever will be set in stone. Your forever could last thousands of years... or just a day. With this war about to begin your forever with Rosaria could be cut short.

You wouldn't let it. You refused. No matter what it took you'd protect Rosaria, though you couldn't do much. You were going to protect her or die trying.

"I know you want to help Y/N. But I can't let anything happen to you", she added running her hand through your hair as she softly spoke.

"I can't lose you Rosaria", you replied

"And you won't. But if something does happen, just know I'll always be with you and I'll love you forever", she continued placing a kiss on top of your head.
"Now enough of the doom and gloom. We're engaged and we should celebrate", she added undercutting the dire situation.

"And I have something to show you", she continued before leading you to the car. Her cold fingers intertwined with yours you were still in disbelief of the ring on your finger.

"So where are you taking me?", you asked earning a slight smirk from the woman.

"Its a surprise", she replied simply with a smile. Earning a slight eyeroll from you. The night sky loomed overhead not a cloud in the sky to obscure the stars and moon. Everything felt perfect and for a moment you allowed yourself to forget about what tomorrow would bring.

Stopping the car in a seeming random location you looked around at the small neighbourhood.

"What is this?", you asked but instead of replying she left the car before opening the door for you.

"This is our new home", she explained pulling out a set of house keys and gesturing to the small home.

"Are you serious?", you asked once again shocked.

"Dead serious", she continued before unlocking the door and leading you through the house.
Everything was decorated beautifully which lead you to wonder how long had she been planning this.

"What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect", you replied pulling her into a gentle kiss.

"There's one more room to show you", she continued leading you to the only room you hadn't yet explored.
A kids room.

"Qiqi has asked about you everyday since you've been gone. Safe to say you're the favourite", she explained. Her words warming your heart.

"I know it's a big responsibility, but it's something for us work out together", she continued taking your hand in hers once more.

When things finally returned to normal. When the war was over, life would finally be perfect. You'd have the most perfect wife and a daughter you never imagined to have. Maybe things would be alright.

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