Alice and Klee

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You woke late in the afternoon, your hair was a mess, you were covered in sweat your bed was messier than usual from the tossing and turning. What you learnt last night still didn't feel real.

Xiangling was in the kitchen doing "homework"
Xinqiu and chongyn sat on the couch watching a movie.

"Well well good morning sleeping beauty", Xiangling joked dragging out the word morning.

"Bennett's still asleep so you're fine
Y/N", Xinqiu called keeping his eyes on the screen, now looking closer you noticed they were watching the shining.

Chongyun was clinging to Xinqiu as the axe burst through the door on the screen. He could barely keep watching, Chongyun wasn't the best with horror movies. Xinqiu watched as if nothing was happening cool as ever.

You checked your phone seeing a message from Rosaria.

'we need to talk, meet me at Mondstadt 482 Windrise St 2pm'

"I'm going to the supermarket anyone need anything?" You asked taking your coat from the rack taking the car keys.

"Yeah could you get some eggs?" Xiangling asked still stirring, god knows what

"And batteries double A's and triple A's" chongyun chimed in

"Alright I'm off then, I'll be back soon" you told them leaving the house and making your way to the location Rosaria specified.

You arrived at a small slightly isolated house. Everything was well maintained, Rosaria waited for you on the front porch giving you a wave as you pulled into the driveway.

You greeted Rosaria with a hug before looking to the house.
"Where are we?" You asked

"Jeans house. There's someone I want you to meet"

Rosaria guided you into the house sitting you in the lounge room. many photos hung on the walls, lamps gave the room a warm glow. A young child sat on the floor drawing pictures with crayons. Jean and another woman who you hadn't met sat opposite you and Rosaria.

"Y/N you already know Jean. That's her wife Lisa. And that's Klee"
Rosaria told you gesturing to the woman with Jean and then to the young girl.

The young girl then stopped her colouring moving to sit with her parents on the couch.

"How old do you think she is?", Rosaria asked gesturing to Klee with an almost amused look on her face.

"Four? Five?" You questioned

"By your standards yes", Jean chimed in.

Now you were confused. By your standards?

"Klee is nearly five hundred"

You couldn't believe it, this young kid. Jean and Lisa then excused themselves handing Klee over to Rosaria allowing her to explain.

"Four thousand years ago, I died."

Rosaria told you as if it were nothing.

"I shouldn't be here right now. But I was turned, by a woman called Alice. Klees mother" Rosaria took a deep breath before continuing.

"When Klee was born. We were hunted, New born Vampires are killed as soon as they're discovered. But klees father was human so Alice refused to let them take her... In the end that got her killed"

"I took care of her as long as I could. We ran from town to town until we got here. The only place without a coven already here. Jeans ancestors were still building this town. They took care of Klee"

... "When Jean is ready, her and Lisa will be turned, they want to raise Klee" she added. Bringing the story to an end

You were speechless. You didn't know what to say, if anything. Klee made her way off of Rosarias lap sitting cross legged on the couch next to you. She stared at you for a moment as if judging and testing you before reaching her conclusion.

"I like this one", she said to Rosaria Ponting at you.

"I'm Klee" she introduced holding out her small hand for you to shake.

As you did you felt the same coldness that you feel in Rosarias skin, though her was slightly warmer. Most likely since she was half human.

"Since the death of Alice, things were never the same. Diluc, Xiao and Ei all ran away from something. Diluc turned Eula when she was dying. Ei turned her girlfriend Miko so they never parted with each other". Rosaria explained
She seemed to be the only person in the coven who hadn't turned anyone.

Your thoughts lingered for a moment. Ei turned Miko so they would be together for eternity. That was one of the most romantic things you'd ever heard. Part of you wondered if Rosaria would do the same for you in the future.

There was a long silence before you worked up the courage to ask Rosaria the question.

"How did you die? If you don't mind me asking, you don't have to tell me" you asked rambling out your explanation afterwards.

"It's ok. Believe it or not before I was turned I was a nun. I stayed late one night working, when I returned home my. Husband he accused me of cheating on him, he was an alcoholic. He was angry... He killed me"
She hesitated before continuing

"He left me to bleed out. Alice saved me" you could hear the pain in her voice. But it was quickly replaced with an almost proud look on her face.

"I got my revenge though." She whispered

Now Jean and Lisa joined you once again Klee leapt from the couch jumping into Lisa's arms.

"I like Aunty Rosarias friend" she told them with a look of pure joy on her face.

"Thanks for letting us see Klee, but we should get going, I've got work soon" Rosaria stated standing from the couch as soon as she did you noticed her lose her balance almost falling over.

You quickly stood stabilising Rosaria

"Hey are you ok?-"

"I'm fine I'm fi-" Rosaria began but was cut off by another question

"When did you last eat anything?"

The room fell silent Rosaria didn't seem to want to reply which practically answered you question. She needed to eat something.

"I'll take care of it", you told the others supporting Rosaria to your car. You put on Rosarias seatbelt before moving to your side and pulling away from the house.

"Before I take you to work... How long has it been since you ate?" You asked

"A week I don't know" she replied almost mad at herself

"And how often should you eat?"

This created a longer silence Rosaria clearly hesitating before telling you.

"...once a day"

"Rosaria. What have you been doing you'll die if your not careful?" You almost yelled shocked by her answer. You pulled over the car on a quiet street.

"I know I've just forgotten I guess with everything happening"

"... Can I help?" You asked looking at the weakened Rosaria.

"You don't have to"

You grabbed Rosarias hand holding it between your own.

"I want to Rosaria"

"Do you just need a vein or does it have to come from the neck like in movies?" You asked turning off the ignition.

"Any vein", she replied slightly chuckling at your previous statement.

You reached your arm across to Rosaria your palm facing up inviting her to bite the vein in your wrist.

You averted your eyes for a moment feeling her sharp teeth sink into your skin. There was a brief flash of pain like getting bloods taken. You felt her lightly sucking on your wrist for few more minutes before pulling away. There was a little more colour in her skin and eyes now.

Where you expected to see two small holes was actually a small Hickey hiding the bite mark.

"Feel better?"

"Yes. Thank you Y/N", she replied kissing the mark on your wrist.

"Now let's go meet with the others" you added continuing the drive to the bar.

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