All The Small Things

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Returning home after what felt like centuries was bittersweet. You knew you were going to miss Rosaria, but you were happy to be home with your friends.

Entering the house you found it empty, which wasn't too strange. If you remembered correctly most of your friends had classes on at the time. You called out to your friends, just to be sure but got no response. Further proving your point of no one being home.

Taking your bags to your room to unpack you were met with a horrific scene. Your blood ran cold, everything felt silent, you could barely feel your heartbeat it was as if everything had stopped.

Your room was littered with the corpses of your friends their blood spilling onto the carpet. In the centre of the room a hooded figure stood their face masked. You tried to speak, to scream, to do anything, but nothing it was as if you were paralysed. In the blink of an eye you the figure disappeared and a sharp pain in your abdomen spread throughout your body.

Glancing down you saw the knife protruding from your body, blood dripping from the wound, the warm liquid falling into your shakey hands some dripping to the floor. You couldn't breathe, you couldn't move.

"I'll make you regret it", the hooded figure whispered to you pulling the knife from you causing more blood to gush from the stab wound. You fell to your knees as numb tears rolled down your face. That was it you were going to die here. Your perspective quickly changed, as you now looked down at your body. You watched on in horror as all the life drained from your eyes, as blood never stopped, all colour in your face disappearing. Your body crumpled into the fetal position on the floor of your home surrounded by the lifeless bodies of your friends it was a blood bath.
Jolting awake your hand instinctively moved to your abdomen where you had just been stabbed, a slight sting being felt as you fully became conscious. Sweat dripped from your forehead as you glanced around the room, remembering where you were. Your breathing began to slow, your heart rate settling back to a normal speed.

It was just a nightmare. A sick feeling formed in the pit of your stomach, as you could still see the murderous scene each time you closed your eyes. Texting the group chat you wanted to make sure everyone was ok. Maybe you were being paranoid, but that dream was so vivid, you could hear the killer's voice. Feel the knife in your stomach.
A few moments passed before your friends replied, your anxiety easing slightly.
They were alive. Nothing had happened to them.

Feeling more comfortable you now left the room, meeting Rosaria in the kitchen.

"Morning", you greeted noticing your presence Rosaria put down the glass of suspicious red liquid.

"Afternoon actually", she replied ruffling your already messy hair. Now checking the time on your phone you realised you slept a lot longer than you thought you did.

"Did you sleep alright?", She asked now cleaning the empty glass. Your mind flashed back to your nightmare, but you brushed it off.

"Yeah, slept great", you replied sitting on the counter.

"That's good", a comfortable silence filled the room as you continued to admire Rosarias apartment.

"I've got a shift at work tonight so I'll be home late", Rosaria the explained standing infront of you. Despite being on the counter she was still nearly taller than you, he shoes adding a few inches of height.

"Will you be ok here by yourself?", she continued taking you hand, running her thumb along your skin.

"I'll be fine"

"Are you sure, I could call someone to keep you company", she continued practically offering a babysitter for you.

"Rosaria. I'll be ok", you told her giving her a reassuring smile.

Cold Bloodedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें