How Much Longer

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Just wanna start this with some quick info.

All characters are 21+ (except for Klee, Qiqi and Diona)

The inspiration for this story came from my friend, when I was mentioning how I loved Rosarias attack animations and how she ran faster at night. My friend states "have you considered that Rosaria is a vampire, not only is she really gothic she's pale like she's never seen sunlight" and now here we are.

"Y/N you can't just keep putting up with this", the casual discussion between you and your friends has quickly turned into an intervention.

"It's alright xiangling, he doesn't mean it and he apologizes afterwards", you tell your friends however no one looks impressed by your answer.

"Y/N, you don't even try to deny it anymore, he hurts you and he's manipulating you", chongyun chimed in from over the table

"I agree, you need to put an end to this as soon as possible", xinqiu said.

Although you trusted your friends they were wrong about this, he truly loved you, he just has his own troubles to work through. You used this break in conversation to change the topic.

"Anyway what do you think is taking Bennett so long?", You aksed the table, no one was impressed by your attempt to change the topic. Xiangling left the table dialling a number into her phone, probably Bennett. Without Xiangling the table was quiet xinqiu and chongyun talked to each other while you zoned out a little. The park was usually quiet around this time of day so the only sounds were the birds and cars passing by. Just then your phone buzzed the caller ID you dreaded seeing appeared.

"I'll be right back", you muttered walking out of earshot from the other before answering the phone.

"What took you so long to answer!?", An agitated voice yelled

"Sorry I had my phone on silent for class", you replied when he gets like this it's best for him to think your alone

"That's a sorry excuse, I want you to answer my calls immediately I don't care if your in the middle of class", you could hear the quiet snickering in the background he must be drinking with friends.

"Listen Cameron I-", you were interrupted by a loud sound on his end, it sounded like glass breaking followed by a lot of yelling.

"Cameron what's going on?", You questioned

"Don't worry about it, I expect to see you tonight. Don't be late" and with that he hung up leaving you to question what happened.

You returned to your table concern clearly evident on your face.

"What happened?", Chongyun asked

"I don't know Cameron called and I heard glass breaking and yelling in the background", no one was sure how to respond they had seen what happens to Cameron when he drinks. He once tried to break into the house because you hadn't called him that day, their main concern right now was your safety.

"Hey guys, guess what. They didn't put chilli flakes on my pizza this time", Bennett called sitting down at the table.

"Why's everyone so quiet", it must've been confusing for Bennett he chose a pretty bad time to arrive

"It's nothing Bennett don't worry", this comment just annoyed the others.

"No it is something, Cameron is still getting drunk and Y/N has to deal with it" Xiangling yelled.

The table was shocked by the sudden outburst Xiangling rarely yelled like that and when she did it was serious.

"Y/N we want to help you, but your the only one who can make the decision", Bennett said taking you hand he was always a lot gentler with his words.

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