Chapter I

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Adviutha 12, 100,678 Y.E. (Yetiuas Eventium)                                                                                                                      

World of Wyisiurus

Continent of Verhiaqueoz, Vierhiamesieuzq Empiriax of Magiciaeusx, The Vierhum Capital of Wuaxsz Hechoneioux

Graneixzst Ministroix Helikinieuse looked at the city of Wuaxsz Hechoneioux with Pride in his heart. The sun setting in the background made the city look beautiful with its Grandeiux Architectioux designed with the Butheorist Architectioux style which saw wonderful buildings built and Well paved roads filled with Caseuvous Cars running through as his countrymen dressed in Leather coats and holding suitcases passed through. As a Vierhum, the base desires and primitive wills were removed from his hoertex as a result of his loyalty to the Law of this Land. The Great Texuviousian Law which was decreed Thrixse Centuiexs of a Millenouexv (300,000) yetiuas ago and absorbed into his Natiuev saw the Vierhum into the now seemingly stoic and emotionless People they are now. But alas the past is the past after all.

Helkinieuse was a Vierhum from the Districque of Polusthia. He was currently dressed in his Grand attire in a Special Vierhum Leather Coat made for those leading the Empire and a Grandeiux darkish Yellow suit under it with Grey pants and black shoes to top it all. With darkish greenish skin covering his body and two Bright Reddish eyes shining like flashlights for his eyes a similar characteristic for his race the Vierhum.

The Ministroix then looked at his Grandeiux Offisxe which was designed with a large Shining bluish-green Chandelier above it with his table positioned at the center of the room as a Grandeiux Capyelt was placed on the Floor. Several Bookiaioux Shelvietus positioned on the side of the room containing Important files and documents for his leadership as the Graneixzst Ministroix. These documents served as the basis of the knowledge stored by the previous Ministroixesqe. Each leader, each leading the empire for 8,200 yetiuas before being succeeded by their successors. Helkinieuse is the youngest to be the Ministroix at just 21,000 Yetiuas Ogiaxt and just served 20 Yetiuas. This may seem surprising but for the Vierhum whose lifespan extended for 50,000 Yetiuas, it was normal for their society to have employment lasting centuries or even entire millenias. The Ministroix were then helped by the Offitia Dequiesx et Armiesx.

In the Conetiax Walls, there were portraits of the Empire's Greatest Ministroix throughout the many Millenias it has existed. A large Map showing a Continent and some large islands covering it like a large Architioux covering one wall in front of Helkinieuse's table showed a large continent that he knew was his Grand Empire which was inhabited by 2.4 Billion Vierhum Souls. These large Islands separated from the Continent serving as the Empire's Grandeuix Colonoauxiovs with these species under Vierhum Rule. From the Greatiasq Wuqalizths to the mere Oniveousx who were subdued and now served the Empire with loyalty. Thus ensuring the Ascientiav of his People and its Empire.

But alas as Helkinieuse recovered from his thoughts and got to work on the table and turned on the Machouisxet Eletriasque on his desk and began to enter his code on it. The Eletriasque was an electronic device with Vierhum buttons on it that were controlled by Magic and glowed with runes and magical words that allowed the Vierhum to calculate and do tasks with these devices in a more efficient way. But this version was made to serve the leaders of the Vierhum and was created by the Cogwiz to ensure the Ministroix's efficiency in handling the documents sent to the Eletriasque via a long thin cable wire that glowed green whenever an Electriasq Magia Docque was sent from location in the Capitesqyeusx. Which served as the Capital Building of the Vierhum Parliamesquex. Who led the Government of the Empire and was its primary lifeline in the Continent.

He then saw that someone had entered through the closed door and briefly opened the door thus revealing g who it was. His trusted Aide was a Vierhum named Rowick. Who assisted him in his tasks and managed the meetings with his key Ministroixes and Advisius. To decide new laws to pass and to lead the Growing Colonial Empire in its conquest to become a Leading Power in urgency. After the emergence and discovery of New Powers like the Ferguisnieth Dominion, the Kuretheiv Republic, and the Coreaxthian Empire. Nations who in their power could compete and possibly topple the Empire. Thus leading to a new Mutual Economic War between the Powers. Although the Great Vierhum Empire was leading the Realm in its growing Industry and Innovation these Powers were left in the dust. Giving Helkinieuse and his fellow Ministroixes a lot of breathing time to deal with these new threats to the Empire and more importantly, the Vierhum Species.

Immediately seeing the Graneixzst Ministroix, he greeted Helkinieuse with respect and grace albeit with the normal and thoughtless cold look characteristic of the Vierhum but Helkineuse with his experience and age saw through the Vierhum and immediately sensed his loyalty and dedication to the Regime and more importantly to him as its leader. The younger Vierhum then pulled out some paper which was in a paper package (that Helkineuse saw was covered with Protective runes that covered it which served as protection as it did not allow anyone to open it other than He or Rowick himself) from the Satchel bag covered in magical runes and glowing with the Vierhum Magicaeusx Energy. Which Helkinieuse knew was probably more paperwork or good or bad news. However, anything bad was unlikely as the Triumvaths of the Vierhiam Armiesx hadn't reported anything of danger or distress to the Vierhum.

"Dear Ministroix, I have something to report to you."

Rowick said in Vierhiam before unpacking the paper within the Package with a small spell in his language which he whispered. Opening it he read the reports of the Admiresths from the Vierhumiarine or the Vierhum Navy. Which maintained and protected the Seas and Oceans of the Empire from the scourge of monstrous abominations or Other Nations within Wyisiurus.

Helkineuse merely stayed quiet and looked attentively at his aide as he read the paper report in a clear yet concise voice. The Aide then immediately summarized it to make it simpler and to not waste his time since Rowick noticed it was approximately 5,000 Woiresqt long and it would prove to be troublesome and may annoy the much older Vierhum.

"Admiresth Riqerst reports of the discovery of Three new islands in the Yoqueoisx Sea which are located hundreds of Miraths away from our Southern Coast. The Admiral requested that these new islands be fortified and incorporated into the Possession of the Navy as a new Naval Base for our Empire to counter the growing Kuretheiv influence. However this conflicts with the Army's Idea of transforming the Isles into an invasion platform to facilitate and quicken the pace of our Armies Invasion in the Johiuths Homeland. This is further exacerbated by reports and hints of the Kuretheivs possibly supplying Arms to our foes. This should not be tolerated and ignored as losing influence in the area would grant the Republic a strategic advantage in the area even for a large Empire like ours which spans an entire Continent. This brings us to the current situation as the two Branches are debating their grand plans for these new additions to our Empire. With them deciding to give it to you as the Ministroix on whether to approve of either of the two branches' Plans for these islands."

Helkineuse merely stayed silent as he began to think of the implications of these new Islands and how colonizing them would affect the geopolitical, military, and power structure of Wyisiurus. With many disadvantages and advantages being formulated within his head on which choice he should make. As his aide then gives him more news and reports from the various branches of the Empire before leaving and giving him the reports and important papers Rowick carried on his person.

As the Ministroix reads the reports and the papers which seem mundane compared to the Invasion of the Johiuths Homeland and the effects it was having on the Empire as its Opponent states were plotting its downfall, But after a few minuiets of formulating on what he should approve as the Empire's head of state. He made his choice and immediately took hold of a Magiphone on his desk and dialed up a number which is the Private number for the Triumvathius Milithasques Dividiesx.


Vierhiam to English Vocabulary:

Hoertex- Vierhiam for Heart

Minuiets- Vierhiam standard for Minutes

Architectioux- Vierhiam for Architecture

Triumvathius Milithasques Dividiesx or TriuMDi- Vierhiam for Military Command Division.

Districque- District

Adviutha- 4th Month of a Vierhum Yetiuas (Vierhum name or standard for a Year).

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