Chapter 2

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Vierhum Frontlines, Outskirts of Tieskeria, 100 km far from the Johiuth Capital.

The Vierhum were knocking at the doors of Joheaitga. Most of the Johiuth troops of the 11th Johiuthevse Armaeik Division knew that death was near, the end of the Johiuth independence was inevitable, and Haevist was upon them. But at least they held their guard and fought tooth and nail against these "Viehiam" despite their tech being pimiasq compared to the advanced weapons and vehicles of their Vierhum counterparts. With the odds being against them as only 1/2 of the Division was battle-hardened the rest were inewikse having lost many of their experienced troops at the Johiuth Offensiuk 3 months ago. It was made worse by the fact that they were only 1/4 the size of the Invading foe.

Lireithus loaded another magazine onto the Rivgalk-7 Light Machine gun and fired on the approaching Vierhiam troops on the rural road. The sounds of gunfire were heard as the machine gun fired rounds at a quick pace and was making quick work of the Vierhiam troops. As he and his comrades were currently sheltered in a Large Wooden barn presumably owned by the Johiuth civilians in the Disqkuite.

Lireithus was a Johiuth of 6,701 yeikts who had lived in this nation alongside his Johiuth brethren and sought a peaceful life. But alas not everything stays forever when the Empiriax invaded he like many Johiuths found themselves conscripted into the Armaeik. Being a Johiuth he had purplish red-like irises with a dark orange-like skin color and quite scaly skin. He originally was just an Eritvoilt fascinated by the Aircraft of the Johiuthvailk and wanted to pursue aviation but the current situation canceled this plan.

Keeping the pressure on the Armiesx soldiers who were quick to take cover and respond by firing their Liagerke Assault rifles on the building with their bullets peppering but failing to penetrate the hard wood and metal.

"How interesting."

He mused as he noticed the differences between the Assault rifles and their Fokeisle Semi-Automatic rifles utilized by the Johiuth Armaeik. With their advantages being the quick fire rate and the revolutionary design and ideas on warfare the Johiuth Wareisge knew that despite their tech being inferior, they must adapt for the good of Joheia.

But this musing wouldn't last as an explosion was suddenly heard nearby as the cries of pain of his comrades were heard. Quickly he ran to the scene as the intensity of firing and gunshots intensified and upon arriving he saw a horrific scene. The machine gunners manning the machine guns found their legs blown up and mutilated by a Vierhum mortar shell. 

"Lireithus, help me get him up!!"

A Johiuth Medgiack said to him as the Medgiack began to pull on the soldier's shoulders the soldier's legs were blown off with his right leg severed while his left leg was brutally mutilated and was bleeding profusely as the Johiuth soldier shouted in pain. 

With haste, Lireithus ran to the Medgiacks aid and helped the soldier onto the stretkahr. The Medgiack smiled genuinely at his assistance as the two soldiers began to lift the stretkahr and deliver the soldier to the Medgiack Makeshift camp. As Vierhum soldiers and Medgiacks treated the other soldiers. Some soldiers began talking positions and manning the former MG nests to keep the Vierhum at bay.

After walking for 5 minutes they finally arrived at the Camp, it was filled with Medgiacks all over the place with stretkahrs strewn all over often with injured Johiuth soldiers who were being treated by 2 or 3 Johiuth Medgiacks. 

One of the soldiers he noticed had a glass shard impaled on his bleeding foot that went straight to the other side. Like some icicle that was impaled on a wooden board. Several Medgiacks were tending to him and using medical devices to remove the shard which they succeeded albeit with heavy bleeding and screams of pain from the poor soldier.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jan 08 ⏰

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