"It says here that you worked as a jewelry marketer for three years. I can assume the skills you listed also were at play there," she looked up at me briefly.

What she said wasn't a question. More so an observation and understanding so therefore I didn't verbally reply and just nodded once to show I was listening.

"Why the career change?"

I momentarily hesitated my answer as I batted between telling the truth or the half truth. I watched as her facial expression shift during the wait and before she could say anything I rushed to speak of my answer first.

"I hope you don't think I'm weird for this but I took that job to gain experience and to heighten my skills for this job here," I decided to answer with a half truth as I did really take my previous job as a stepping stone to get here.

Even though I did enjoy it, the bigger reason was because— as bad as it may sound, I wanted to use this assistant position for my own gain. I want to be able to learn the ropes and how everything works here and how it grew to how big it is so fast so I can use it to make my own highly successful handbag and heels company. A promise I made to my dad that I intend to fulfill in his name.

Nasrin looked at me hard for a few beats. Her face showed no expression for me to go off on and that fact made me shift in my seat with a spit of anxiety.

"Okay," she breathed out as she reached over to a thin packet of paper. "This Is a packet that basically covers over everything that's expected from you as well as medical questionnaires and such. There is an NDA on that last two pages," she flipped to the back to show me the paragraphs of words and the needed line for signature.

"I want you to fill out everything needed and bring it back to me by the end of the week," she then handed the packet to me with delicacy. My heart began to pitter in excitement— but before I could get my hopes up over this. I asked the needed question.

"Does this mean I got the job?"

The woman sat across from me hummed in no emotion, "you're a top choice but I have one more person to interview. It's best I give you what's needed now for signatures so you won't have to come back and prolong the steps if you are chosen," she spoke with such dominance and a tinge of nonchalance that it made my heart drop

Yeah it was good news in a way but it can quickly turn bad if the other girl bests me. If that's to happen, all my plans will fail and I'll have to go all the way back to the drawing board and I damn sure don't want to do that as I feel the second time of planning something is always the worst and most unmotivating.

"Oh. Okay, thank you again for your time and I'm looking forward to your call back," I sucked up my inner turmoil as I plastered on a bright smile and a positive voice.

"Yes. I'm sure you will be— enjoy the rest of your day Davis," she spoke with a raise of her brows. The dismissal of my presence set an oddness within me and I rushed to gather my bag as I stood from the chair and walked towards the door.

I wanted to escape that awkwardness as fast as I could, especially since any little thing I do or say can threaten my actual chance of getting hired.


"Well I don't think she would've given you those papers and have you sign things if she wasn't going to pick you," said Erin, Zahara's best friend.

After the interview, Zahara had called Erin to meet up at their favorite spot for brunch so she can tell her about the sort of news as well as hearing another person's thoughts and views on what she was told.

Zahara huffed in stress-inducing contemplation, "I mean yeah I guess so. But still— what if what she said is the case and I just have signed paperwork for no reason?" She then began to play with the lettuce and dressing that was in the corner of her salad's bowl as she thought about the exchange she had with the CEO, her best friend's words and her own thoughts.

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