3 Years Later

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So....hello! This story is three years old and makes me cringe, but hey! It's good memories and practice.

I'd like to thank everyone who clicked on this book out of curiosity, read 2 chapters and dropped it out of sheer cringe, and even got to the end before I disappeared!

This book was purely for fun, so I always knew I'd never make it to the end, and if I already mentioned that in | Compensate | then I forgot! Because I refuse to read it because the me three years ago was very hell bent on sounding eloquent and well versed. But in all honestly who cares!

I wanted to address some things about this book, and once again if it was already mentioned in Compensate then oh well!

- It was never a self-insert or your own oc fanfic.

I was never really one to read those kind of books myself personally (no shaming just saying) so I didn't end up writing one myself. Because of this the descriptions of Kira was to describe a character that I could reference accurately, which was a one-dimensional skinny and un athletic girl. To make it seem relatable and realistic, I reference her personality and humor as well as physical attributes to myself. Kinda seems like a self-insert as the author now huh?

I apologize to anyone who felt left out, unrepresented, or did not like Kira.

She was by far my weakest OC out of all the others at the time, since her humor and reactions were based off of what I would do if I were in that situation. Only amped up and made more smart and anime like.

I read through a few chapters again after three years, and all I have to say is, "Wow, that sucked." But then again it was the me three years ago, so of course it was terrible. But I'm glad I wrote some moments that made you readers go "Wow! Self-cest is ok!" "She's so cool!"

I didn't think Kira closing the lighter would ignite such a response, who would've thought I made her cool for a moment?

A bunch of it was cringe, the flow was bad, and the slang was too much. But hey, you only learn through practice.

Passion projects always end up one way or another. Your pride and joy, or the unfinished side piece in the past.

So to close off this note, I'd like to post some parts that would've never been led up to, since I don't think we even got off the boat haha! I'll post it soon, since it's all in my notes. I'll keep them unedited, so you'll see my old writing style and hopefully no cringey moments.

Thank you to all those three years ago and even now for making me smile at your comments.

Thank you for reading cambia nel destino.

— with love, mystic
(was that what I called myself three years ago? I don't remember, haha!)

𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐛𝐢𝐚 𝐧𝐞𝐥 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨 | 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐨Where stories live. Discover now