36| Teacups and Omens

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"Estie wait."

Estella paused in front of the door, turning back. Her hair was in loose braids and they fell over her shoulder as she turned.

"What is it?" Parvati and Lavender smiled at her and streamed through the door.

"Yesterday Professor McGonagall spoke to me," said Hermione, as soon as she was sure Parvati and Lavender were out of earshot.

Estella nodded vaguely. "I know. Ron told me."

"It was about the-"

"Time turners."

"Yes," Hermione said in surprise, "how'd you know?"

Estella gave her an amused look. "Go on."

"Well, I got it!" Hermione said suddenly, her eyes wide with excitement. She pulled out a long thin chain from around her neck.

A shiny gold hourglass hung from the end of it.

"Woah," Estella breathed, moving forward.

"You can't tell anyone about it," Hermione said quickly. "Professor McGonagall made me promise."

Estella raised an eyebrow. "Who do you think I am?"

"Yes, yes, of course," Hermione said absentmindedly.

"Is that it?" Estella said, her lips tilting upwards.

Hermione nodded.

"Then let's go downstairs and see our timetables- you can colour-code all your classes, Hermit."

Hermione's eyes lit up and she quickly slipped the Time Turner beneath her robes once more, pulling Estella out of the dorm with her.


When they reached the Great Hall Estella went down one side of the table to sit with her friends and Hermione went down the other.

"Timetables," Larissa said, sliding a piece of paper to her.

"We're starting some new subjects today," Hazel said enthusiastically. A large box sat on the empty space beside her. Estella chuckled, recognising the brand of Honeydukes on the packaging.

Lucille nodded. "Nine o'clock Muggle Studies for me."

Estella tilted her head. "I thought you were gonna take Arithmancy."

Lucille shrugged. "I thought about it some more and I think Muggle Studies will be more interesting - it's kinda historical, isn't it? I read about this thing called 'electricity'."

Amelia giggled. "It's basically lumos but without a wand, and it fills up the whole room."

Lucille's eyebrows raised. "Interesting. Well, it sounds pretty fun at any rate."

"It's just you and me in Divination." Charlotte nudged Estella, smiling. "First period."

Estella hummed in understanding and reached for a buttered crumpet.

"Where's the class?" she said through a mouthful.

"Top of North Tower. We should probably leave soon- it'll take us ten minutes to get there."

Estella nodded and ate quickly.

From a little ways down the table, she heard Hermione deflecting Ron's confused questions about her timetable.

Estella finished her breakfast and she and Charlotte said goodbye to the others before setting off.

The journey through the castle to North Tower was a long one; Estella huffed and puffed as she climbed up staircase after staircase.

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