6| Eventful Endings

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Soon enough, the exams came and the students trembled as they sat down in the large classroom where they would do their written papers

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Soon enough, the exams came and the students trembled as they sat down in the large classroom where they would do their written papers. They had been given special, new quills for the exams, which had been bewitched with an Anti-Cheating spell.

The written papers were not too hard, with Estella having memorised most of the Theory. There were a few stragglers which she had a bit of difficulty with; she couldn't quite remember the name of the wizard who had invented Switching Spells and there was a question about the composition of the Babbling Beverage which Estella thought looked a little too empty to be complete.

The practical exams were a bit harder. Estella had practised charms and incantations on quills and transfigured apples into oranges but really, it was hard to know what to expect.

Professor Flitwick called them one by one into his class to see if they could make a pineapple tap dance across a desk. Estella found this task very amusing and was delighted when her pineapple made a spectacular routine as it pranced around the table- there was, however, the caveat of it limping every three steps.

Professor McGonagall watched them turn a mouse into a snuffbox- points were given for how pretty the snuffbox was but taken away if it had whiskers. Transfiguration being her best and favourite subject, Estella tried extra hard to please Professor McGonagall. Her snuffbox was lilac with floral embellishments and she got a smile and a nod of approval from McGonagall.

The potion's practical was by far the most unnerving, what with Snape making them all nervous by breathing down their necks while they tried to remember how to make a Forgetfulness Potion.

Estella did the best she could but remembering was entirely different from making and in the end her potion was a bit more magenta than she would've liked(later on she realised that she had mixed her mistletoe berries into a paste rather than crushed them into a fine powder and panicked during the breakfast she found out).

Their very last exam was History of Magic. One hour of answering questions about batty old wizards who'd invented self-stirring cauldrons and they'd be free, free for a whole wonderful week until their exam results came out.

Estella wracked her brain for more information about the Soap Blizzard of 1378 but found herself blanking out on question fifteen; Name and describe three traits that Uric the Oddball displayed in his early life and explain how they might have impacted his later eccentricity.

When the ghost of Professor Binns told them to put down their quills and roll up their parchment, Estella cheered with the rest of the class and breathed a sigh of relief.

It was over.

Estella hadn't done so bad; she had managed to answer- or at least attempt all of the questions on the Charm Theory paper and even though her Potion had turned out less than perfect, she was happy with herself. It didn't seem like she'd done horribly... at least she hoped not(it seemed like every time she thought something went well the world tried its hardest to mess it up for her).

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