21| Blood and Lies

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Estella sat in her empty dorm, peacefully strumming strings on her guitar. The chords seemed to float around the room, filling up the empty space, admirably accompanying the faint twilight that twinkled from outside the window.

Stars dotted the landscape like notes across a stave and Estella felt calm.

It was easier this way. Here. Alone. Where she didn't have to do anything or be anyone. All she focused on was the slight dip in the bed beneath her and the feel of the strings against her fingers.

Then, the door handle rattled in its place and she stiffened, straightening up. Her eyes wide, she stopped playing.

The door creaked open and a head of bushy brown hair emerged from the passageway outside.

Estella let out a sigh of relief. She, of course, had no problem with Lavender or Parvati but she wasn't exactly close to them.

Her own friends shared a dorm to themselves further down the hallway. Estella guessed it had been due to their last names - alphabetical order perhaps - but she wasn't certain. For one thing, logic seemed to be a last resort for wizards and witches. For all she knew, the dorms had been randomly selected from a hat.

Then I must be super unlucky if that's the case, she thought, her lips quirking upwards at her own bad fortune. Nothing new then.

Hermione walked dazedly towards her bed and slumped on it face down.

"Wow you really just ignored me like that," Estella commented, raising an eyebrow.

"Hi Estie," Hermione amended, her voice muffled by the pillow into which she was currently trying to smoosh her face.

"Too late," Estella teased, then frowned. "What's wrong?" She eyed her twin's dejected manner and her mane of hair which was gradually becoming bushier as she ran her fingers through it.

"Nothing," said Hermione, though it came out as 'Nofing.'

Estella set her guitar off to the side carefully, stood up and took a seat on the edge of Hermione's bed.

Hermione grumbled, "What do you want?"

Estella huffed. "To know why you're acting like your favourite character's been killed off in a book or something. Or, correction, you got a 99% in a pop quiz." She added bluntly.

"I said it's nothing," Hermione said harshly.

Estella closed her eyes and mentally counted to ten. Of course, teasing Hermione was fun. Making fun of her was even better. But right now she looked - for lack of better words - potentially depressed and very dejected.

"Tell me," she said a little more gently. "Maybe I can help."

"You can't."

Well okay then. Estella directed her exasperated expression at the wooden planks beneath her feet as if they could somehow come alive and advise her on what to do.

"You don't know that," she said instead, but although she couldn't see Hermione's face, she could almost picture the deadpan sprawled across it.

"It doesn't matter." Hermione flipped so that her eyes stared up at the ceiling. She surveyed Estella out of the corner of her eye. "Harry, Ron and I will figure it out."

Estella did her best to hide her hurt. Of course. Her new friends. Her amazing, popular, dare-devil friends. Why would she tell me anything anymore?

"I see," said Estella, with a stony expression on her face. "Then I'll leave you to it."

She placed her hands on either side of her and pushed herself upwards to a standing position.

Good Enough | hpOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora